Our Baby is on the way

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at the hospital

They were waiting for Dr. Kim in a VIP waiting room inside a large hospital in Seoul. Both of the were very nervous especialy Seungri. From this morning he can't concentrated in every single thing that he do. Even he put a salt not sugar on his pancake and insisted the to having breakfast outside coz the pancake is too salty.

" Kwon Seung Hyun,,,,!! a nurse calling his name. Yeah he used the Kwon's name right now.

" Yes, miss " Jiyong answer

" Please come this way, Dr. Kim's waiting inside" the nurse said while smiling, knowing that their idol was right in front of her.

Both of them just follow her and now they were already inside Dr. Kim's room.

" Hiii,,, Seunghyun-ah... Hi,, Kwon Jiyong-shi " Dr. Kim greeted them shile shake their hands and their already sit on their seat.

Dr. Kim seing their reaction that looks very nervous, she decided to tease them a little

" Kwon Jiyong-shi, dont be nervous okay, everything will be alright " she said

" Eh,, " Jiyong flinch at his seat, feeling surprise the Doctor was talk to him.

Dr. Kim just smile to him and turn her gaze to Seungri

" Seunghyung-ah, so tell me. What the symtons did you have?

" I just feeling nausea and fatigue but also I feel duzzyness easily. But if I rest a little, the dizzynes just gone" Seungri replied

Dr. Kim nodded while writing a note in Seungri's medical document.

Both of them dont know what to do. They just very nervous and waiting for Dr. Kim reply his statement.

" Hmm,, Doctor, can I turn on the recorder" Suddenly Jiyong asked while Seungri pinch Jiyong's stomach , feeling embarasing

" Ouch,, what is it honey,,, ?" Jiyong said while rubbing his belly

" Oh ,,, its okay for me Jiyong-shi " Dr. Kim replied

" Im sorry Dr. Kim,,, " Seungri said with sorry looked.

" It's okay Seunghyun," Dr. Kim said to seungri

" See,,, ! Dr. Kim give me a permition to record this conversation " Jiyong said to his husband

" You know, it can help us, if we foget or miss something about what doctor already said." Jiyong add

Seungri just look to his husband like say,, aye,, aye,, captain,,

" Well,,, Please just Jiyong, Doctor,,, i dont want to formal coz I know, you've been Seungri's doctor for a long time" Jiyong added

Dr. Kim nodded and smile

" Yeah,,, your husband is right Seunghyun. He just worry about this matter. Dont angry to him, neh.." Dr. Kim lecturing him just like his mother. Yeah she know Seunghyun from the very young age, she just feeling that Seunghyun is his son's too..

Jiyong smirk to him

" Aish,,, " Seungri sighs

" Okay,,, come on,, come with me,, we go to another room to check what is inside your belly.." Dr. Kim said

Both of them just follow her

" Lying here, Seunghyun. I want to check your vital first "

Dr. Kim star her ministration about check Seungri's vital condition

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