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The Northern Kingdom was the largest of the four kingdoms that made up the state of Erimere. The land was fertile and the people prospered with wealth and abundance. As far back as anyone can remember, this is how the Northern Kingdom was. It was a land of opportunity. The ruler of the kingdom, King Rowan, was a kind and fair man. He valued honor and duty above all else, and he instilled that in his subjects. He took the throne at 17, when his father was killed in the third war between the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. In the years since he took the throne, he strived to keep the reputation of the kingdom afloat. He traded with the Eastern and Western Kingdoms to keep in their good graces and he defended them, when needed, against the ruthless Southern Kingdom.

The Southern Kingdom was the smallest of the four, therefore, they had little farming land and even less people to bring income to the kingdom. As opposed to offering services in return for money or goods, King Gideon and his four fathers opted to try and take over the Northern Kingdom, and with it, all of its wealth. The easiest way to take over the kingdom would be to kill the royal family, but that would not be an easy feat as they would all learn. The Northern Kingdom had the best knights and archers in the state, and although it came with casualties, they always came out on top in each war that was fought.

King Rowan's wife, Queen Katrina, was a former assassin which made it all the more difficult for the Southern Kingdom to devise a plan to kill the king that would be successful. Her former duty was to kill any spies that crossed the boarder into the Northern Kingdom and she did so with flawless accuracy. Her training in archery and dagger throwing proved useful on the battlefield as well where her only job was to protect the king at all costs. During the final battle of the last war against the Southern Kingdom, she took an arrow for King Rowan while simultaneously killing the head of King Gideon's court. King Rowan had never seen such bravery and that was the moment that he fell in love with her.

From their love, they had a baby girl and once she was born, her father devised a plan to be rid of the Southern Kingdom's antics once and for all. 

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