Forget About Me (9)

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Her chest heaved in and out as Tom dragged her across the landscape. Her lungs burned as she sucked in breath after breath of crisp air, trying to keep up with him as they headed for the mountains.

The adrenaline pumping through them both allowed them to run over four miles without stopping. The fear of the next arrow making its way into one of their chests was too imminent for them to stop and catch their breath.

Tom was the first to see a separation in some trees ahead, indicating that there was a cave nestled into the rock. He grabbed onto Adaline's arm, pulling her towards it while still running as fast as he could.

The trees zoomed by in a blur until she was pulled into a dark hole that was was hidden by a thick rim of trees. How Tom saw it, she'd never know, but she was just happy to be shielded from whoever took a shot at her. Her chest heaved in and out as her back met the rough, cool stone behind her and Tom didn't look much better. He held his hands above his head, struggling to keep his breathing under control.

The cave was almost black, the only light shining through the entrance. There were large boulders and petrified wood that littered the cave floor.

"We should be safe here," Tom said, once he was able to catch his breath.

Adaline nodded, her fatigue and anger causing her to not being able to look him in the eye. She was still pissed beyond belief that he kissed her and then tried to act like it didn't happen. Nothing is worse than when you think your feelings are confirmed and then the other person back tracks.

She stood up, away from the stone wall and began to walk towards the back of the cave. The walls were moist and areas of light and dark gray rock surrounded her. She slid her feet across the floor, being careful not to trip in the semi-dark environment since the light from the opening of the cave was almost dissipated there.

They used their time to make makeshift beds from leaves and old vines that had died within the cave, but nothing really made the stone floor comfortable.

There was little to no conversation for hours, but when the sun was setting, Tom realized that it would be getting very cold very soon.

"I'm going to try and collect some wood for a fire," Tom suggested, pointing to the forest that laid just beyond the opening of the cave.

Adaline's head turned quickly, her facial expression silently asking him if he was kidding.

"And get shot?" Adaline asked, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

"I'll be careful," he said back, tapping his sword that still hung on his hip.

She wanted to protest, but how could she tell him not to go? "Sorry I don't want you to get shot because I might be in love with you"?

After all that happened, she couldn't bring herself to ask him to stay. Her pride wouldn't let her.

"Stay here, your majesty," Tom's final words echoed from the cool walls before he turned towards the fading light of the outside.

He glanced around the outskirts of the cave before heading out, being sure to keep one hand on his sword while he picked up sticks that were dry enough to hold a flame.

He saw a few rabbits scurry across the pine straw, the sound making him jump every time. Even his own feet crunching over leaves had him on edge.

He still had the cave in his sights as he scavenged the forest floor. He saw some wild fruit as well. It wasn't fine dining, but neither of you had eaten in almost 24 hours.

Forget About Me (Knight!Tom AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant