Forget About Me (10)

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The sun peered into the cave uninvited, casting a bright light across Adaline's face. Her eyes scrunched up in her sleepy haze and she tucked herself further into Tom's bare side. His warm skin welcomed her as she nudged her face into it and let out an adorning sigh.

The remnants of the fire smoldered lightly next to their bodies, but wasn't putting out as much heat as it did the night before. Her eyes remained closed as she felt goosebumps radiate from her toes all the way up to her neck and she couldn't hide her bare legs from the cool stone beneath them.

Her eyes finally fluttered open, turning away from the sunlight and up to Tom's face. He was sleeping peacefully beneath her, light snores coming from his parted lips and what glorious lips they were. Her goosebumps faded as she remembered the heat she felt the night before. She could still feel his lips dancing delicately across her skin. She found herself flushed as she watched him sleep, her own lips placing small, sweet pecks on his chest. She felt him stir slightly and moved her pecks to his neck.

"Good morning," Tom croaked, his eyes still shut as she smiled against his skin. His skin tasted salty as she licked a trail up to his ear, sucking on the lobe lightly, before retreating back again to his neck. Tom's hands gripped her waist and he could already feel himself growing hard, but as much as he would love to stay in this cave forever and make love to her, they had to get moving.

He pulled her mouth from his neck to his lips, and she giggled against them when she felt his bulge against her thigh.

"Good morning to you too," she whispered, making Tom chuckle and then attempt to sit up. Adaline was a bit taken aback when he stood up, his bare backside facing her as he looked for his pants among the gray cave floor. She held his shirt against her chest as she stood too, waltzing over to where he was standing and wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Don't you want to bid me a proper 'Good morning'?" she whispered, making Tom turn his head to the side. His thick curls tickled her cheeks as he leaned over, kissing her once again before pulling his pants over his hips.

"I would love to, but we have to move," he reminded her, and he wasn't wrong, but she never wanted to leave this cave. Her father was still missing and her kingdom needed her, but she was sure now that she would throw it all away just to stay here with Tom.

Adaline found her clothes laying where Tom had thrown them the night before, and a few stolen glances later, the were both fully clothed and ready to face whatever was outside that cave. They had to make a break for the Western Kingdom and they'd be at the Green Sea by sunrise the next morning if they kept walking.

Tom emerged first, the pure sunlight causing him to shield his eyes so he could search the forest surrounding the cave. When he felt it was save, he motioned for her to follow him out.

They walked hand-in-hand across the rocky foothills of the mountains, moving southwest, away from her home. Tom knew something Adaline didn't and the longer he stayed with her, the more he fell in love with her, the harder it was to keep this secret he'd been holding for weeks.

"Why are we going west?" Adaline asked, looking up at Tom as he used his sword to cut through some brush that littered their path.

"Its, um, just to avoid the roads. We don't want to run into more thieves," Tom lied, squeezing her hand tighter as he led the way.

He tried to converse with her, acting like nothing was wrong and that he was taking her where she was meant to go, but Sam gave him direct orders.

"By any means necessary..." he said.

Tom did use any and all means he could to get her to trust him, but he broke the one unspoken rule. He fell for her. Hard. After last night, he didn't know if he could go through with it. His insides were ripping themselves apart, trying to decide if he wanted to just take her away from Erimere or follow the orders of his prince.

Forget About Me (Knight!Tom AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant