Forget About Me (1)

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There was something about that day that didn't sit right with the princess. She had only turned eighteen a week before and already, her father was hell bent on seeing her married to the son of King Gregory of the Eastern Kingdom. She had never met the man, but she knew well enough about his reputation. On the battlefield, he was known for his sword and might, but according to the  of both kingdoms, to them, he was just known.

Oh great, a spoiled rotten prince. Her thoughts ran with the horses that pulled her carriage and the bumps on the old country roads did little to appease her steadily growing attitude.

"Adaline, can you please wipe that look off your face? King Gregory and Prince Sam will be waiting at the gates and I do not think they will appreciate the scowl from their future queen." Her father rebuked as he looked up from the scroll sitting in his lap. She huffed, but did as she was told. Future Queen. The words rebounded off of her as she looked back out the window of the black cab at the brush on the side of the road.

There was only a small distance left before they entered the Eastern Kingdom and as they passed the outer boundaries of their own, Adaline saw the battlefields that held the blood of her grandfather and countless others. She had learned of the battles in her schooling and seen the area from a distance, but she'd never been this close. Her mother almost lost her life here as well, and if she had, Adaline would have never been born. The memory of these battles are what convinced Queen Katrina to teach Adaline archery and hand-to-hand combat. The reality of the war and the possibility of another war hung over King Rowan's head and every story and skill was passed down to Adaline in the event that another war broke out, but rather than put her through that, her father would rather avoid it at all costs.

It was unmistakably clear why her father wanted her to marry Prince Sam. The merging of their kingdoms would make them powerful enough to destroy any chances of the Southern Kingdom's rule and their pooled resources would keep the citizens of the new kingdom in comfort for the foreseeable future.

As the carriage passed into the boundaries of the Eastern Kingdom, it was met with four knights on black destriers. Their faces were covered with black veils, but the insignia located on their chest armor was that of the Eastern Kingdom. Two took their place in front of the King's horses and two at the rear of the carriage. They lead the coachman down to a winding road just off the highway. The insufferable bumping and jerking in the cab was not conducive to the good attitude that King Rowan was persisting on Princess Adaline having.

"Father, are we almost there? This is the worst journey we've ever been on," Adaline whined, leaning her head back against the interior of the cab and folding her lace covered arms across her chest. Her sharp blue eyes stared at the legs of the war horses in protest.

"Hush, child. Now, I want you to put on your best face," her father hissed as the tall bronze gates of King Gregory's castle came into view over the horizon. The knights who led the carriage halted as they saluted the tower, signalling that the gates could be opened. The screech of the metal on the gravel road made Adaline cringe and King Rowan rolled his eyes at his only daughter. The coachman whipped the reigns as their path cleared, making the cab jerk forward. Adaline took a look out the window, her eyes widening at the castle that sat on a hill in the near distance. It was smaller than the castle she resided in in the Northern Kingdom, but nevertheless, it was impressive.

As the carriage came to one final halt, the knights dismounted their horses and came to the side of a tall man with gray, curled hair that was settled under a golden crown. His golden and red surcoat covered his stockings and overall, he looked as most kings did. A young man was settled at his side, and she assumed him to be the prince. He was dressed in hunter's clothing and his sword was settled on his hip. His blonde hair was swooped to the side as he stepped forward, opening the door to the cab, giving Adaline a good look at him. His blue eyes were bright as his gaze landed on the fair lady that sat back against the cushioned seat.

Forget About Me (Knight!Tom AU)Where stories live. Discover now