Chapter One

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The thing about anniversaries was that it was just a day to remember when something good or bad happened. Today was the anniversary of his mother's death and for him it was a day to remember and grieve all over again, as if it had happened yesterday. In fact, it might as well have been with the memory of what happened still fresh in his mind, tearing him up on the inside. Eleven years was a long time but not nearly long enough to ease, or even erase the pain that he felt. The dreams that he always had as the anniversary neared were always filled with fear, guns, men and blood. There was always so much blood and he'd always wake up screaming, leading Joe West (his surrogate father), to come rushing into his room to rouse him from the aftermath of the nightmare.

Barry's father, Henry Allen, had dealt with his grief in the worst and un-healthy way possible. Basically, he buried himself in his work and more often than not forgot about having a kid to take care of at home. When Barry's teachers and neighbors found out that he wasn't taking care of him, the police and children's services were called. Henry was arrested for child neglect and a possible hit and a DUI same night for drinking and driving. That was when his life completely changed.

Joe West had known his mother and father and had talked to children's services, telling them that he could take care of Barry. He was a cop and he had a daughter and son of his own, so they immediately agreed because he was friends with Iris and Wally. The life Barry had after was the most he could ever ask for and he was proud to call them family.

Barry had a routine on the anniversary of his mom's death. He would go to work--despite the protests that he should stay home--visit her grave right after and then go home to sleep the rest of the day away or cry. Or eat a tubful of ice cream and watch old home videos of him, his mom and his dad. The good memories would override the sad ones and the horrible "accident" that took her.

"Barry?" The voice startles him only slightly and he swivels around in his office chair to find the source of the voice. Standing hesitantly in the doorway and looking unsure to enter, was Ralph Dibny. The cop had been dirty once but had gotten his job back because of Barry and Wally's efforts to help him.

"Hey, Ralph. What can I do for you?" Barrys asks and he takes a certain satisfaction in the upturn of the corner of his mouth. Their friendship was better, stronger because of the team. Working as one of the people behind the scenes at STAR Labs, to help him and the others take down metas, started a friendship that was never there before.

"Not much really. I just came to see if you were okay." Ralph says. Even though he doesn't say it, Barry knows what he's really asking. Should you really be working today...on your mom's anniversary?

Barry keeps his gaze even and cool, hoping he's not betraying anything in his eyes. "I'm good." When Ralph looks skeptical, Barry offered up a smile. It wasn't forced but it wasn't relaxed either. It was just enought to convince Ralph otherwise. "Really Ralph, I'm fine."


And just like that, Ralph is back to his cheerful, witty self and noticing a lack of sarcasm, Barry realized that the thing missing in his lab was his lab partner. Speaking of the devil, Barry watches as the blonde-haired brittish male sauntered into the lab, and sits down at his desk. His gaze doesn't waver and as if feeling the other male's eyes on him, he looks up.


Ralph takes that as his que to leave and quickly walks out but Barry isn't paying attention to him. His eyes are narrowed a bit at the brittish man and he says, "You're late today. That isn't like you."

Julian rolls his eyes at his statement. "How observant of you, Allen."

"So where were you?" Barry presses.

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