Chapter Seven

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Magnus Bane was the high warlock of Brooklyn, New York. Which meant that everyone came to him for help regarding magic and spells and he was damn good at his job. He never thought of himself as the warlock that the shadowhunters came to every time they had a problem but once Clarissa Fairchild got involved, the whole shadow world changed. None of it was a bad thing, in fact the Clave and most of the shadowhunters (excluding the ones at the New York Institute) have been very open to working with down-worlders and even possibly befriending them.

Of course, at the moment, Magnus would rather be relaxing in Dubai with an assortment of cocktails and getting laid instead of putting up wards and helping the shadowhunters run down leads for a recent mission at the Institute. It was annoying how much they needed his expertise and help on a daiky basis but alas, the ones he happened to like were the ones always asking for help. And they were his friends.

Magnus moved his hands with flourish, strengthening the wards he'd put up only an hour and a half before, while listening in on Jace and Alec as they discussed the possible creature that was killing mundanes.

"You can't possibly think that he's back." Alec hissed, moving his hands to rest on the edge of the surface hub as he leaned forward, his eyes on Jace who stood on the other side of the hub. "Simon stopped Lilith from bringing him back, remember?"

There's a loud huff from Jace as he stares at Alec. "You happen to forget that I was Lilith's puppet and almost killed you. Clary nearly died the last time we were caught off guard because we thought Valentine was dead. So forgive me if I'm not taking any chances."

Magnus glanced over at them and said, "He's right Alexander. It's better to be safe now, than sorry later."

Both the teenage shadowhunters looked at him, their eyes showing more emotion than their body language did at the moment. Magnus was saved by his phone ringing loudly, Rhianna's song 'Umbrella' echoing through the room. Magnus pulled it out and saw the caller ID was Unknown before stepping out of the room and answering.

"Magnus Bane here, what can I do for you?"

There's a pause on the other end and Magnus can almost feel the nervousness from the person on the line. ", my name is Barry. You knew my mother."

Magnus frowned. "I'm not sure I know who you speak of. What was her name again, I don't think you mentioned."

"Nora Allen."

Magnus' mouth went slack and he inhaled sharply but quietly as the information sunk in. The guy on the line was the Nora Allen's son? His best friend's son? The very one he helped seal away powers for?

"I know you guys were friends and that's why I'm calling. dad was killed a week ago and before that I found my mom's journals and stuff. My powers...they broke through whatever seal she made you place on me and now I can't control them. You're the only one I can trust with this and I think you can help me."

Slowly getting over his shock, Magnus says slowly, "What is it you think I can do?"

"Can you help train me to control them?"

Magnus doesn't answer right away, too in the moment of experiencing a memory from long ago with Nora Allen.

It's one of those nights again. The kind of night that's calm and silent and then without much warning, something loud, bad and drastic happens to ruin it. Rain is pouring down outside and thunder is followed by lightning as  the high warlock of Brooklyn is sleeping the night away. The only thing that wakes him up is the incessant knocking on his front door and he groans still half-asleep, dragging himself out of bed. Chairman Meow looks at him with a calculating gaze but otherwise goes back to sleep. The loud knocking continues as he makes his way down the main hall and he calls out,

TRUTH UNSEALED (BARRY ALLEN/MAGNUS BANE)Where stories live. Discover now