Chapter Three

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Barry woke up from a night of restless sleep, unable to remember what he dreamed about. All he knew based on feeling alone and the lack of a good sleep, was that he had a night full of dreams. Other than that he had stayed awake half the night thinking about what he found earlier that day. It kind of felt like a dream but he knew better. He layed in bed staring at the ceiling and when sleep had finally taken over, it was any-thing but restful.

Sighing, Barrry rolled over in bed to look at the clock on his nightstand. It was half past eight and knowing him, Barry was going to be late to work if he didn't get up now. He dragged his tired body out of bed and grabbed the few necessities before heading to the bathroom for a shower. During the shower, he wondered why Joe hadn't woken him up before leaving this morning. He probably thought Barry needed the extra sleep.

As soon as he was done with his shower, Barry flew through getting him-self dressed and rushed downstairs. He passed through the kitchen and was about to just grab his keys and leave when he spotted the breakfast bag with his name on it. There was a yellow sticky note on it. Reading it, he smiled to himself. Iris always seems to know when I'm going to leave without breakfast, he thought as he picked it up and walked out the house. Making sure to lock the door behind him, he went to his car and got in, starting the engine up. As he went to pull off, some idiot in a car shot past him causing him to slam the breaks.

"Fucking idiot." Barry muttered. Taking better caution he made sure no one was coming before pulling off.

Barry arrived at work a little after nine 'o' clock and was greeted by most of the city's finest. As long as he's been working here, a lot of the cops and detectives have gotten to know and love him. The older ones treated him like their own, the ones a little older than him treated him like their little brother and the younger ones looked up to him. The whole CCPD was basically a family in its own right, with Barry at the center. It was hard not to grow to love the CSI or adore him. He was always open and honest and caring and he always wanted to help others.

One detective in particular, stood out to Barry among the rest. While there were other detectives who Barry was pretty close with and had had nights out at the bar with, he was closer with Ralph. As Barry made his way through the bullpen, he spotted Ralph sitting at his desk and waved at him. The man in question waved back, shooting him a huge grin.

Barry walked up the stairs to his lab and entered. Upon seeing, Julian at his own desk going over some reports, Barry smiled and said, "Hey Julian."

"Allen." Julian greeted.

Barry remembered yesterday that he promised to thank him. "Thanks for yesterday, man. I really needed that."

Despite Julian's hard and sometimes cold and sarcastic exterior, he was actually a freaking cinnamon roll. Julian smiled. "What are friends for?"

A small chuckle left Barry's mouth as he moved to sit at his desk, ready to go through his reports as well. Grabbing a manilla folder from the short stack at the edge of his desk, he flipped it open and began reading through it. Then he wrote his report on the case and made corrections where it was needed. That was the way the first few hours were spent and by the time he was on his last few, Barry was about ready to just about go to sleep.

Barry's mind kept straying to what he read last night. He couldn't help it. He was so curious to learn more but he was afraid of what he'd find if he kept digging. That saying that knowledge is power, well that's true but when someone knows too much, it can hurt them. That's especially true when it's something that's obviously dangerous. So dangerous in fact that his mom took drastic measures to make sure he was safe from the danger that apparently threatened his life when he was younger. And yet another thing that was still hard to wrap his head around, was warlocks existed and his mom was friends with one, not to mention that she was one. Used to be one when she was alive. Which would mean that Barry was one too, right? It would make sense if he had powers when he was little.

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