Chapter Five

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Author's Note: I am deeply sorry for the wait but my mom had my tablet and wouldn't give it back until today because she wanted to go through my messages. I'll be 17 years old on the 24th of this month, you would think there'd be more trust...anyways this chapter may be a bit short but fear not, I will have another up soon.

Enjoy the chapter, yours truly, BadassKatanaGurl.

Two weeks have passed and Barry's relationship with his dad is still going strong. They meet to talk or spend time with one another everyday and it's almost exactly how Barry had imagined it would be. The two of them talk about Nora Allen and most of the time, Henry would share his memories of her before she was pregnant and he was deruned, with Barry. Joe knew that Henry was back in town and they'd even sat down and ate dinner together.

Work was great too. As much as Barry wanted to know if Julian knew something he didn't, he let it go and went about his business. All the cases he worked were always solved quickly with no casualties or any other problems. Ralph was the same and worked hard for Team Kid Flash and for the police precinct. Captain Singh was always checking in on him, knowing his history with his father and he wasn't expecting him to do a lot of work lately either.

Life was overall great. Jack and Iris' relationship was stronger and they were always inviting out on outings with them, which he would politely decline for two reasons. The first being, he didn't like being a third wheel and the second being that it was their time to be alone. Cisco and Caitlin were always getting into trouble and going out to bars, which they dragged Barry to all of the time. Barry couldn't be happier.

At the moment Barry was quietly making his way down to the pier, one of the meeting places he and his father came to. It was a little chilly but the temperature was still pretty warm, around 78°F and he smiled when he saw his dad standing by the pier's railing, looking out over the water. Even as he walked up beside Henry, the man didn't turn to acknowledge his presence but rather smiled and said,

"Your mother loved the water."

Barry stared out at the water, a small smile forming on his face. "Really? Why?"

"She loved the fact that water could be seen as the way life worked, the way life was. There could be calm moments and then without warning a bad thing could happen and everything isn't so calm anymore." Henry turned to look at Barry, who was now looking at him. "Your mother knew when she was going to die. She wrote about it in her journal, her more secret one. She wrote a letter to you and told me to give it to you when it was the right time. She told me that I'd know when."

Barry frowned as Henry reached into his pocket and pulled out an white envelope, holding it out. Taking it, he turned it over in his hands and saw his mom's elegant handwriting on the front, adressing it to him. Looking back up at hia dad, he shook his head. "I don't understand. Why now?"

Henry smiled at him but this time it was a grim smile, like he was sad about something. Exhaling heavily, Henry placed a hand on Barry's shoulder. "You'll understand it soon, Barry. But not right now. All you need to know is that your mother and I love you so so much and we will always be watching over you."

"Why are you talking like that?" Barry demanded, confused. "Dad, you're starting to scare me."

"I've written you a letter also. When the time is right, you'll read them both." Henry spoke.

The words are barely out of his mouth before something comes running out of the trees, heading straight for his dad. It's a dark blur and Barry doesn't have enough time to tell his dad to watch out but Henry's already ahead of him and pushes Barry out of the way, revealing a sword. Bystanders and civilians are screaming and running, trying to get to safety. The attacker has red eyes and a long black tail with a large spike at the end and it has razor sharp claws. There's more than one of them and Barry's looking for something to defend himself with when his dad lets out a cry of pain.

Barry looks up from his position on the ground and climbs to his feet, his eyes wide with unbridled fear. His dad is bleeding from slash marks across his chest and he's on his knees. "Dad?"

Henry looked at him with love and unshed tears in his eyes and he smiles softly. "Barry, it's okay. It's my time. I love yo--"

The creature drives it's tail into his back and through his chest, exactly where his heart is and blood splatters onto Barry's clothes. Shock is the only thing he feels as soon as it happens and then sadness. He watches as the light leaves Henry's eyes and his body falls to the ground, limp and lifeless. Something inside of him breaks and Barry screams. There's a roaring in his ears, like rushing water from a waterfall and an outburst of energy and power ejects from his body and the creatures realize their mistake too late because in moments they are vaporized into nothing but ash. Barry doesn't pay attention to anything else as he falls to his knees beside his dad's body, pulling the man into his arms.

Barry is numb to everything around him, blocking out the outside world as he hugs his father's body against him. He doesn't even realize he's crying or that Henry's blood is getting all over his clothes. He doesn't care. Nothing matters right now but his dad. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Barry repeats over and over inside his head as he rocks back and forth, holding his dad tightly in his arms. Looking down at his dad's face, Barry starts sobbing, knowing that he's gone and he can't save him. Henry's eyes are still open, his mouth frozen in one of surprise.

"You can't do this to me too. You can't leave me, dad! You can't!" Barry sobs hysterically. He doesn't know how long he's been sitting there on the ground holding his dad, but it must have been a long time because the police are there and Julian is kneeling in front of him with Joe. He's saying something but Barry can't understand him; everything sounds like it's underwater. When hands start pulling at Henry, Barry tightens his hold on his body.

"Barry, we need to take the body."

Barry shakes his head rapidly and doesn't loosen his hold on his father. He won't let go of him. Not his dad. He has to come back. He has to! Barry can't do this without him. He'd already lost his mom, why did they have to take his dad too? More people tug at Barry's hands trying to get him to let go but Barry shakes his head and screams at them to leave him alone and not take his dad away. He's sobbing even more now and if that's possible and when they finally manage to pry Henry's body from his fingers, Barry is an absolute mess.

Barry is hysterical. Screaming and crying, lashing out at anyone who tries to touch him. He won't let anyone near him enough to check him over for injuries and he's yelling at them to leave him alone. He lashed out at Joe, who reached for him to try and calm him down. It got worse when Singh regretfully told some of the officers to restrain him, so he wouldn't hurt himself or anyone else.

"Don't touch me!" Barry shouted. "Get away! Dad!"

And then there's a needle in his arm, a sedative being emptied into his body and moments later he passes out. The last thing on his mind was that his dad was dead.

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