Perfection For Us (Bleach Story) Ch.49 Plan Failed & Haku What Are You Doing

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Hisagi was in pursuit of Ishi. He had contacted Toshiro and told the young captain he would bring Ishi back safely. He noticed something shining bronze on the lush green forest floor. He jumped down and picked it up. It was a replica of his badge Ishi had made to carry around when she was without her haori. He tucked it into his uniform not wanting to lose the item. Then he continued on. Hisagi couldn’t see why anyone could NOT like Ishi. To him she was witty, silly, slightly stupid, and caring of her squad. She and him were good partners and friends. She never let personal problems get in the way of work, EVER. Hang on captain Hisagi thought. He felt a slight pulse of her spirit energy and followed it along with the darker spirit energy of the hollow.  He found it. In cage draining her of her energy attached to the back of the hollow was a slowly dying Ishi. Hisagi reacted quickly. As he jumped down silently but the Hollow had known he was being pursued. Said hollow swatted at Hisagi, a swat which caught Hisagi ankle spraining it badly. He grunted at the burst of pain but still drew his sword to attack. The hollow caught his side with a second blow just as Hisagi managed to remove the cage from it’ back freeing the drastically weakened Ishi who was panting from the pain.

 Then Hisagi turned the hollow’s miasma was starting to affect his lungs. When from nowhere the hollow was killed before his eyes by a bright blast of a kido. Turning back he saw Ishi with her hand up steam still escaping the hand. “Captain! Are you alright?” he asked running to her. Ishi nodded. “Painful but I’ll be fine. Thank you for coming to my rescue though.” Ishi said from where she laid. “Can you move?” “No. I had to high a dose of the miasma it has robbed me of movement.” “Alright I’ll have to carry you captain.” “Understood. Though you seriously need a girlfriend.” Ishi muttered the last part as Hisagi picked her up. Then out of the blue Ishi said, “stop.” Hisagi did as he asked. They were outside of a house. “Set me down. I can move a little. This is important and I want you here to watch this.” Ishi said as her Lieutenant set her down. Moving in the ruined kimono she opened the door where people were yelling but were suddenly silenced at Ishi’s sharp whistle. “MAI! HOW DARE YOU-“ “I won’t marry Yuuta, my brother would want me to be happy. He had no idea what life I would’ve lived but I know he’d want me to be happy. I am happy as a soul reaper. Fighting to live and fighting to protect. Also I am in love…..with my fellow captain Toshiro Hitsuguya. If any of you object kiss my a**” Ishi said as she turned.

 “Letz go Hisagi can’t keep paperwork waiting forever.” She said playfully as she could feel the flash step kido working. “Yes captain.” Hisagi said with a nod. Then they returned to their office. Ishi changed into her uniform but kept the badge on being too lazy to put on her haori as she and Hisagi had to defeat a mountain of paperwork. Then they had to get the new issue of the newspaper out. Hisagi had taken a pain killer for his ankle and Ishi had healed his side a bit then bound the shallower and less bleeding cut. Ishi stretched a bit and her joints popped. Hisagi at first would jump to that sound coming from Ishi’s bones but has grown accustomed to them since. He sighed. He was beginning to prefer Ishi over most captains.


Kyoa kept her promise and visited Haku that evening. She jumped up to his window sill knowing full well squad four wouldn’t allow her to visit him this late. “Haku…Haku are you awake.” She called softly. “Yes.” Was Haku’s reply. Kyoa jumped down. “Sorry I’m so late in getting here. I had to dig Momo out of a sea of paperwork then we had to do the sea of paperwork. It was hard,” Kyoa apologized. “No problem, no problem at all.” Was Haku’s response. Kyoa took a chair beside him. Haku sat up roughly. “You seem to be doing better.” Haku nodded. “Yeah I’m not as bruised because of the treatments but I’m feeling better now.  Still sore though. Ishi gets mad and well someone ends up with a broken something.” Haku chuckled a bit.

“I hear she was supposed to be wed off but she turned them down because she’s in love with Toshiro.” Kyoa informed him. “I’ve heard of this Toshiro left and right but I haven’t gotten around to meeting him. I can’t help but be protective of her.” Haku said. “She and Toshiro have had a few bumps here and there but they’ve still held strong same thing with Hizume and Renji….wait have you even met Hizume? Or Renji?” Kyoa asked. She saw his head shake in the dark. Then he moved over to her. She felt a hand on her face. “But I’ve been meaning to do something for a while now.” Kyoa felt her heart race. “Wh-“ she was cut off.

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