Perfection For Us (Bleach Story) Ch.80 The Life That Never Got To Live

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Toshiro’s unit had survived the onslaught with ease until a hell butterfly gave him the words he’d been waiting on. He was off the battle field in a blink of an eye.  Renji could guess why easily. Ishi must be in labor. And it was right on the due day October 4th. We need to hold them back until Ishi and Toshiro can come and unleash their zanpakuto on their asses and freeze them to the field. Renji thought. Hizume and he shared a look and the two nodded as they began barking orders around. The unit had no idea what was going on but their orders had changed. It was time to defend and block instead of attack and kill.


Oh god. It hurt badly. Ishi didn’t cry out though. Why couldn’t he or she have come earlier when I could’ve had a C-section? Ishi thought bitterly. That’s when Toshiro showed up. Ishi didn’t take his hand. She was pretty sure she’d break it and they needed every able body fighter out there. “Toshiro you should be fighting!” Ishi hissed. “And miss this no way.” Toshiro said. Ishi would’ve started yelling had it not been for the sharp pain that made her suck in air. Then she felt release. Soft sobs were heard. Ishi was too disoriented to care until Toshiro help her sit up. Dazed and disoriented until the woman held out a small bundle towards her. Ishi took the bundle with care and ease.  It was a little boy. He had bright white hair. “Seems he took your traits.” Ishi said laughing. Toshiro smiled until they head a crack. “The barrier.” Toshiro said. He kissed Ishi’s for head and hurried out. “TOSHIRO! NO!” Ishi heard Mako’s voice. “Going to die.” Ishi turned to the woman and said, “Please look after him. I need to save Toshiro.” The woman was confused, but nodded taking the child into her arms.

Ishi hurried outside. Pulling her gloves on she hurried out. Toshiro was fighting and winning. There was no attack on him. What was going on? Who was Mako going to kill? Ishi searched around trying to put two and two together. Who was he going to attack as penance for taking his easy victory? Who would he kill? Ishi only felt a slight comfort to see Hizume, Toshiro, and the Broken were all alright. But still it made no sense. She could sense that Mako was killing someone as penance for her helping the soul society. And it was going to happen now so what was he waiting for. In the back ground she saw a flame. Some sort of launcher. What was it aiming for? Her eyes cut to the head captains holding area. It must be there. It makes most sense for him to attack the head captain. But isn’t that stupid. I love Yama-sama no doubt but nothing can get through those barriers so it would be a waste of ammo. Ishi was trying to figure out what to block .Mako didn’t know of the lab. Not even his mirrors could see that. So what was he attacking? That’s when she heard something scream across the sky.

She looked and saw it fly overhead. To small house where her child was. Ishi tried to make her ice reach and guard the place. But being drastically weakened even running and shooting. The ball hit the aftershock knocking her back. Toshiro had saw it too and managed to catch Ishi but his sword was on the ground somewhere because his hands got torn up. Ishi cried out. Toshiro held her back seeing the blaze. No way. Hizume had stopped fighting. No. Ishi’s child………………


Mako laughed in victory. One point down. She was so confused wondering where he was going to strike.  Thinking things strategically. Forgetting she was the person he hated most in the world and everything he was doing was because he hated her and the soul society. I’m going tear her entire world to shreds before her eyes. Taking all of her friends and family. Slowly her world will crumble. She will be the last to go. I’ll need some men and woman to repopulate but still I want to see that face of hers pinch in horror and disarray. Mako said. Ishi was screaming in the mirror, Toshiro trying to comfort the woman. Hizume also trying to comfort her. Mako had pulled is forces back. Just to mess with Ishi’s head and ego.

Now that he had fractured their military general things would go in his favor. Akemi, Yuri, and Yoko were watching in horror and sympathy. “He attacked her child….what a heartless man.” Akemi said. Yoko nodded. Yuri whimpered. “All of this just to mess with her head and strengthen his chances.” Yoko whispered. They all nodded in fear. Sometimes working for Mako was horrible and terrifying not knowing what might happen to them. Mako was cruel to even his own people.

Perfection For Us (Bleach Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz