Perfection For Us (Bleach Story) Ch.50 Talk In The Spring

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Kyoa felt warm lips pressed against hers and was blushing scarlet. The instant Haku released her she jumped up and ran out the window and Haku sighed. Kyoa was outside against the wall sliding down because her knees felt weak. It that Ishi and Hizume meant….about love?” she looked up at the moon and clasped her hands together as she saw the first star. The only wish I desire is the one to be able to tell my feelings. She thought then she stood up. There was no way she could go back up there now. It would take time for her to be able to face him again.


Running into one another along the way Renji and Toshiro were silently walking to where they were supposed to meet Ishi and Hizume. “And you just kissed her out of the blue? You idiot!” they heard Hizume yell. “Women are delicate creatures when it comes to confessions. Well at least Kyoa’s type of female. Hizume and I can handle forced confessions. You should’ve said not done!” Ishi added. The two men shared a look and went outside where Ishi and Hizume were chiding a boy who looked a lot like Ishi. “I guess I should’ve been more subtle.” The boy sighed. “What is going on?” Toshiro asked making the other three jump.

 Then Ishi turned and said, “Oh my cousin here is having some love problems. Haku this is my boyfriend Toshiro. The pineapple head is Renji, Hizume’s guy.” she pointed to each in turn. Haku stood up. “So you’re the Toshiro Hitsuguya I hear about all the time.” He said narrowing his eyes. Toshiro was a little uncomfortable under that gaze. “Well if Ishi’s heart is broken because of you ice man me and Nantora will be coming to kick you’re a** across the soul society.” Haku said as then he walked past the two men and Ishi and her blue haired friend sighed. “Sorry Haku is a little over protective.” Ishi said as she walked up and hugged Toshiro. Hizume had to sit down and take a few breaths. Her wounds were acting up. Renji sat down beside her. “You alright?” He asked. Hizume nodded. Then Hizume and Ishi left after both couples had brief conversations.


Kyoa had gone with Ishi and Hizume to the hot springs. She had no idea why they invited her, but she had a feeling it was about Haku. She was slightly desperate to know. They had rented a PRIVATE, EXPENSIVE hot spring. We are so talking about Haku. She thought as she got in. the steam fogged everything but their hair which was up. “Alright what do you want?” Kyoa sighed. “Were we that obvious?” Ishi asked. “I guessed. It’s about Haku right?” Kyoa sighed. Ishi and Hizume shared a look. “Sharp, really sharp.” Hizume commented then Ishi asked, “What do you think of my cousin?” Kyoa blushed.

“I really like him but him kissing me out of the blue………… shocked me and i….I’m gathering my courage to face him again.” Kyoa said in a rush. Ishi and Hizume gave her calm looks of acceptance. “It’s alright. We already scolded Haku. We’ll tell him to give you time.” Ishi said gently. Kyoa’s eyes widened. “You would do that for me?” She asked. The two women nodded. Kyoa smiled. “So tell me a bit about you and Toshiro, Ishi.” Kyoa asked the now lounging girl. “He’s amazing.” “Details” “he is truly perfect for me. He and i. we fight sometimes but we always make up. And then he’s smart and smexy. Yea I said smexy! I truly love him.” Ishi finalized. Kyoa realized she could go on and on about Toshiro but she was choosing to keep it short and sweet. “And Hizume what about you and Renji?” Kyoa asked. “Renji is silly and sweet and I truly love him.” Hizume kept it sweet but shorter than Ishi. Little did they know they had three eavesdroppers. The three eavesdroppers were Renji, Toshiro, and Haku. Ishi and Hizume did not realize how close the springs were and did not know that the entire time the three had been listening. For the three their biggest goal was staying undiscovered.

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