Perfection For Us (Bleach Story) Ch. 71 Intimacy

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It was September. And Ishi’s birthday. Only this time instead of reluctantly saying she’ll have a party her exact words were, “We can’t waste time on a stupid party while Mako is stirring.” So that was shut down for poor Rangiku and Ishi’s other friends. Lately Ishi had been running out and fighting Shattered Shinigami not caring if it’s against orders. Currently though she was sitting in her new office trying to come up with a strategy against the Shattered Shinigami. That’s when Toshiro came in. “Come with me.” He said holding out a hand. Ishi sighed. “Toshiro I’m busy.” Toshiro walked over to her desk and pulled her out of her chair. “Then it’s time you became unbusy. I’ve missed you Ishi. I’ve missed you so much. You’ve always been busy and I never get to spend time with you.” He said. “Normally this is the other way around in normal relationships.” Ishi muttered.  Then sighed. “What do you want to do then?” she asked.

“Since you refuse to have a party since it such a waste of time, I want to take you out on a date. For your birthday.” Toshiro said making Ishi look at him. Ishi sighed. “Fine. But I’m not changing so you better be content with me in a uniform.” Ishi said. Toshiro smiled and kissed her. That’s the hot head I know. He thought. Ishi kissed back. It’s been so long since she let herself be herself. All of this responsibility is overwhelming. It was hard to retain herself. After remembering the human body does need oxygen they pulled back. “You ready to go Ishi.” Toshiro said. Ishi nodded and let Toshiro lead her out of her office her face a little flushed. “Wait let me lock up.” Ishi said pausing. Then finally the two left the barracks.

Hizume awoke and looked out her window to see Ishi laughing for once. She was with Toshiro. Hizume smiled. She looked to her left as she heard a soft snore. She giggled a little at Renji’s sleeping form as she lay back down. She would leave Ishi alone for tonight.


“So you and your boyfriends get intimate?” Temari asked. Ishi and Hizume sprayed tea anime style. They were choking and blushing. Temari, Hachi, Ishi, Hizume, Rangiku, Momo, and Nanao were having dinner together. Rangiku gasped. “You so did!” She squealed. Ishi blushed deeper, “DID NOT” Hizume added. “Where in the world would you get that assumption?” Turing her blushing face away. “Seeing you two kick dazed boys out of your quarter’s kinds of makes that assumption.” Temari said. Ishi and Hizume sighed defeated. Soon they were barraged by a bunch of questions they refused to answer. Eventually Ishi threatened to freeze their mouths shut.

Afterwards Ishi and Hizume walked together. “Ishi you don’t have to walk me home.” Hizume said. “Sorry old habits die hard.” Ishi said. Hizume nodded. When they were first starting she got jumped a lot and eventually Ishi began walking her home to fight the bastards who jumped her. “So I take it you enjoyed last night?” Hizume asked a small smile playing on her lips. Ishi blushed. “We started off with a date and then it ended up well……ya know.” Ishi said trailing off at the end of her sentence. Hizume laughed. “You?” It was Hizume’s turn to blush. “I and Renji had dinner and well….ya knows.” Hizume muttered. It was Ishi’s turn to laugh. “But there’s always that one thing.” Ishi said getting serious. Hizume nodded pressing her stomach. “I’m not sure. We’ll have to wait and see I guess.” Hizume said. “Is it okay to be afraid?” Ishi whispered.

“Yeah it is because I’m scared to.” Hizume said softly. Ishi left Hizume at her house and went home herself. Toshiro was inside her house asleep. Ishi smiled. She remembered giving him the key. She wondered when he was gonna ask if they should move in together or if she would have to ask it. Ishi furrowed her brow. Not that she thought about it she had no idea where Toshiro lived. Ishi sighed this was no time to worry about that as she crawled n beside him and drifted off herself.

Hizume wasn’t asleep as everything weighed down on her. At a time like this she seriously did that? During a fucking war? Great just great what if something bad happens and she is pregnant and the baby is hurt or dies? She’d never forgive herself. For now though they needed to keep level headed. Mako would start his beginning attacks first to drastically weaken the soul society. Ishi’s plan should stop them from coming through at the cost of a few battle ready troops, but either way they’d be able to fight against Mako.


It had been seven weeks when Ishi and Hizume finally admitted the one thing they didn’t want to admit. That they were carrying. They hadn’t told Toshiro and Renji yet. They needed to focus on the battle for now. The tiny attacks had been as Ishi predicted. And so far her strategy worked. A few injuries and only three dead.  Ishi and Hizume were fighting with Toshiro and Renji against six of them currently when another creped from behind. “ISHI!” Toshiro said jumping in front of the blow. He took it blood spraying as he fell. “TOSHIRO!” Ishi said catching him. Her anger boiled and simmered as she screamed and froze every last one of the Shattered Shinigami they were fighting. Hizume broke of their heads as she looked at Renji’s hurt arm. “Come on there’s a cave. We can heal and we can deliver news.” Hizume whispered. Ishi nodded crying as she carried Toshiro to the cave. She was scared. They both were.

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