Introduction: S.T.

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"Scarlett Taylor breaks up with boyfriend of 4 Years!"

"Biggest teen breakup Hollywood has seen since Justin and Selena."

"Did we see the signs?"

"Ughhhh!" I turned the TV off and clasped on the couch. "They seriously can't find someone else to talk about!"

Zendaya came out of the kitchen holding two fruit and kale smoothies.

"Come on girl," she said as she handed me one. "It's the press. The Hollywood press."

"Yeah but it's been like two months already. I'm over him can't they be?"

"Babe, again. It's the Hollywood press. They need something to talk about."

We sat staring out of the window in my living room. Z had come over so we could get ready for my Ellen interview today. It's also been about 2 months since I did an interview with her. Since January though, a lots happened.

I broke up with my boyfriend. Released a new album. Finished filming Greatest Showman and got cast in the next marvel movie which I have no clue about who else is even in it. I was advised to watch every movie from before to get the gist.

"I guess we should get ready now," Z said. She pushed herself up off the couch. "You know she's gunna ask you about Trevor."

I sighed. "Yeah I know," I said, accepting the inevitable.

I matched my way upstairs and pushed open my closet door. What to wear, what to wear? Making my first public appearance in two months since I broke up with him. Hmmm, I had to dress a bit slutty. Show him what he could've had. But also, Ellen is a family show. So I have to leave something to the imagination. I found a nice pair of denim high waisted white jeans and decided to wear my black thigh high boots. I paired it with a white tube top and a black faux fur coat. I took my hair out of the bun from this mornings shower and blow dry and I had nice waves that I choose to keep. I put on falsies and eyeliner, did my brows and added some lipgloss before heading out of my room and down the stairs.

"Ready?" Z asked, keys in her hand.

"Yeah, let's go," I said. I grabbed my purse and we exited the front door.

It took us about 45 minutes to get to Ellen's studio. Sadly, the paparazzi beat us there. Security rushed over as we got out of the car.

"Out of the way please. Out of the way," one guard said. They were shielding us from the flashing lights of the camera. They were just throwing all kinds of questions out there. I couldn't even hear them but I know I heard Trevors name thrown at me once or twice.

When we finally made it, Zendaya and I sighed in relief and looked at each other. We stared. Then we burst out laughing.

"Oh my god," Z said, catching her breath. "As annoying as it is, it's always funny after."

We were ushered through to the dressing rooms where hair and make up touched me up. We sat for a minute before the team asked me to walk out on stage. They played my song Break Free as I walked out. I waved and smiled as I walked them gave Ellen a big hug before sitting down.

"Hi," she said with a big giddy smile. I loved her.

"Hello," I said as I laughed.

"I think we should just cut to the chase," she laughed. I already knew but I knew she wasn't going to make the biggest deal about it. "First time on TV in 2 months. How's it feel?"

"Honestly," I said. "It's been great. I've really been focusing on myself and bettering things I've been super self concerned about."

"Yeah, just looking at you, the first thing I see if your hair is really long and healthy and so is your skin. But talking to you right now, you just seem happy. Like really happy," she said.

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