Chapter 01: Stand Up

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes fluttered open and much to my disappointment, the sun was out.

I had the blanket wrapped up to my chin. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I hated being an adult. Responsibilities. I turned towards the alarm and pushed stop.

I did a double take.


I had to be up and ready by 11! That had to be my snooze. Shit!

I pushed myself out of bed and went into my bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I literally ran to my closet to pick out an outfit.

"Ugh!" I cried. I had no clothes.

You're standing in the middle of fully loaded walk in Princess.

I rolled my eyes at myself. How can someone be so sassy.... to themselves? Is that even a thing?

I started pushing around the racks and opening and closing draws and cabinets. I pulled out a white halter crop and black high waisted ripped jeans. I found clean checkered Vans slip ons.

I hate bras. I huffed in frustration as I realized I needed to find a bralette. I poked my head out of my closet to check on the time.


"You're doing good Scarlett. You've got it," I said as I pulled a plain white bralette from a drawer behind me.

Thank god I washed my hair last night because I would not have had time to blow dry it today. I went over to my vanity and put some oils in my hair and prepared it to be brushed.

Before I did that, I grabbed my phone and put in the request for an Uber at 10:50 to pick up me and then Z and Darnell from Z's house. Then I went back to doing my hair and makeup.

My falsies were not gluing down.

"Ugh!" I yelled this time. I slammed the tweezers down on the table in fury and decided to do with my fingers. When I finally got them on, I applied lipgloss and facial spray and quickly filled in my brows (we weren't looking for definition today sisters), grabbed my purse and literally flew down my stairs and out of my house just in time to catch the Uber pulling up.

When we got to Z's house, her and Darnell were waiting outside and we all crunched into the back seat.

"You look stressed," Z said.

"I got up 45 minutes ago," I said, putting my hand to my head.

"I like this," Darnell said, motioning to my outfit.

"This," I said, mimicking his hand motions. "Needs to take longer than 45 minutes."

"Well hey," Z laughed. "You made it! New record." I gave a small laugh.

The rest of the car ride there was just laughs and sarcastic jokes and clowning around. When we finally pulled up to the restaurant, Z tipped the driver extra for dealing with our shinagins. We walked into Lá Meré Dior. It was a French cafe that had the best coffee and cake in the whole city of Los Angeles.

Zendaya has made a reservation for 6. I knew Tom was coming, but who else?

The hostess sat us outside. The tables outside where solid steel. The restaurant had a bit of a rustic feel to it. Z, Darnell and I all sat on one side and waited for the other three to arrive.

"Zendaya!" came a strong, male, English accent. I looked up and saw Tom walking out with 2 other guys following him.

Holy shit! He's English!

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