Chapter 02: Games

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It was almost 2pm. Z had told me that people started coming over at around noon. But I had to take care of my dog. He had an ear infection.

I moved him from off my lap and went upstairs to shuffle through my bathing suit drawer. I found my suit from Brandy and went to put it on.

Geez when was the last time you shaved?

I took a quick shower just so I could shave before heading into my room. The suit was a black one piece with a bunch of cut out lines down the sides. It was pretty low cut but it made my boobs look good so who cared.

I put on a pair of high waisted, white denim shorts over it and flowy blue crop top. I grabbed my sandals and my phone and a scrunchy and hurried down the stairs. I said good bye to my two puppies and grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter.

Me: do you want me to pick anything up from the store?

Z: mmm I think we need more dip. Also, like a tray of fruit because.... I didn't get any 😹 I totally forgot.

Me: I got you don't worry about it. I'll be over there soon ❣️

Z: see ya!! Oh also, we started paint balloons. There's a bucket of just paint and the a bucket of balloons we filled for you. Just join when you get here!!

I connected my phone to Bluetooth and went to the local target.

People started flipping out when I got out of the car. I took a few pictures with some fans in the store but informed them I was in a hurry.

I grabbed some chip dip and two bowls of mixed fruit before checking out.

There were a few cars parked outside of Z's house when I pulled up, but I had priority parking in her drive way because, uhh, best friend here.

I hopped out of my car and grabbed the bag from the store and walked inside. I could hear music bumping but no one was in the living room when I walked in. I set the bag down and put the dip and fruit in the fridge. I took my shirt and shorts off and placed them on the couch next to Z's. I saw movement outside and walked out out towards the pool.

I felt something hit my face and pop. I heard a gasp. It felt like paint.

"Oh my god," came Toms voice. He kept saying it as I felt him trying to wipe the paint off my face. "I'm so sorry. I was aiming for Harrison. I-"

I grabbed his wrist and wiped my eyes myself and gave a half smile. He was trying to make it better but he wasn't. He looked sympathetic but I could tell her was trying not to laugh. I turned slowly and grabbed the bucket of red paint next to the door and dumped it on him.

"I win," I shrugged. He wiped his eyes and smiled.

"That's fair I'll take it," he laughed before picking up one of his orange balloons and aiming it at me. But I was hit from behind.
I turned around to see Z bouncing a yellow balloon in her hand with a sly smirk on her face.

"Form teams!!!" she yelled in anguish. I grabbed my bucket of balloons and Tom, Harrison and I ducked behind a near by table.

"Well welcome to the party," Tom greeted with a laugh. I laughed and began to put my hair up in a bun.

Jacob, Darnell and Z kept throwing green, yellow, and blue pain bombs over and we sent over orange, red, and purple. A few of us went out but I ended up with the least amount of damage.

Dodge ball queen, circa 2015, P.E., second period.

"Okay, we can clean this up later," Z laughed coming out from behind a tree. "It just has to be hosed down."

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