Chapter 7

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Lance stood in a line with other soldiers. They gave him odd looks.

He didn't blame them. It's not every day you see an Altean working for the Galra!

He wore his new armor, which was black and fuchsia, and had a large gun in his hands.

Lotor entered the room. "Ah! Lance!" he said. "Before we start, I need to add something to your attire!" he held up a small devise.

"What is it?" Lance asked, as Lotor hooked it up to his neck.

It was extremely uncomfortable. And hurt a lot.

"We used to have a earthling in our group. His name was...Matt, I believe."

Lance stopped " in, Matt Holt?"

"Yes, I believe that was his name." Lotor said. "He got into my personal army like you, but ran away the minute they went into the field. But don't worry. I've prepared for you."

"What do you mean prepared?" Lance asked.

"The chip I just placed on your back. If you are ever misbehaving, I simply press this button-" he held up a small remote. "-and you are completely under my control. Do you understand?"

Lance was terrified. He had just lost all free will!

"I said, do you understand?"Lotor started to glare at him.

"Y-yes sir." Lance looked down at his feet. "I understand."

"Good." Lotor said, then turned to the rest of the of the group. "Today we will be trying to reclaim the Balmara. Kill on sight."

"Wait sir!" Lance said. "The Balamra is a living creature!"

Lotor held up the remote.

"S-Sorry sir." Lance looked down at his feet again.

"Break," Lotor said, and the team boarded the ship.


Lance landed on the Balamara to shocked and terrified faces of the Balmarans. The Balmarans started running for their lives.

"Remember, Kill on sight." Lotor said through the coms to everyone.

The Galras and Lance started to chase after everyone into the underground.

"Oh God," Lance said as he looked at the terrified faces. "I pray Voltron doesn't show up,"

"Me too Lance," someone said through the coms.

Lance was chasing a Blamara through the tunnels.

Never thought I'd be back here, Lance thought.

Suddenly, he was face to face with the balmaran: It was Rax, Shay's brother.

"L-Lance?!" Rax gasped.

"Rax?!" Lance gasped.

"What are you doing?! Please tell me this is a trick set up by Voltron!" Rax cried.

"I'm sorry, but it's not." Lance said.

"How could you!?"

"Rax, just run!" Lance shouted.

Rax started running, but then lance heard a voice in the coms.

"I said to kill on sight Lance," Lotor said. "You know what that means!"

"No!" Lance shouted.

His neck started to sting, and his free will started to slip away. The whites of his eyes turned yellow, and looked out at Rax.

Lance ran faster at Rax, and tackled hm to the ground.

"What are you-" before Rax could finish, Lance blasted him with Altean magic, until he fell dead.

"God boy Lance," Lotor said, and Lance's free will returned.

Lance looked down at his work. He had killed Balmaran before, but never someone he had actually known.

"Lance, get back to the ship. Voltron is here."

Lance nodded, and headed back to the ship.


"Lance, may I speak with you?" Lotor asked, and the other soldiers piled out of the room.

"Yes sir," Lance said and walked over to him.

"About today-"

"I'm sorry about today sir. It won't happen again." Lance interrupted.

"Oh, I'm not talking about that." Lotor said. "I'm talking about that Altean energy you used to slay the Balmaran. Where did you learn it?"

"It just happened one day. I got better at it while I was in the arena." Lance admitted.

"I see," Lotor gestured for Lance to follow him.

The two entered a room. People with large masks and dark robes stood. One of them was Haggar.

Lance gasped a little in fear.

"Lance, I've only seen a few people who can use the Altean energy like that." Lotor said. "My father's druids."

"Hello master Lotor," Haggar bowed.

"Haggar, Lance has extreme abilities to use Altean energy. Is there any way when he has spare time he could join the druids."

Lance gasped again. Join the druids? Lance thought. What if get overloaded with Quintesence?

"I will make sure you don't get overloaded with Quintesesence." Lotor said to Lance, almost reading his mind.

"Get him a mask and robe," Lotor commanded. Let's see what he can do."

Lance stood atop of a large pillar, with a robe and a large mask covering his face.

"Alright Lance!" Lotor called from the ground. "Letta' rip!"

Lance focused. He focused on the pain of not being accepted by Alurra. The pain losing his leg. The pain in the arena. The pain of betraying his friends.

"Lance! Stop!" he heard Lotor say.

He opened his eyes, and noticed the hold room on fire! He focused again, and put the fire out with magic.

He came down to the ground and looked at his feet. "Sorry, he said. It won't happen again."

Lotor started to clap. "I want to see that on the battlefield!" he smiled. "And from time to time in here, since I will be making you a druid part time!"

"R-really?" Lance asked.

Haggar looked at him, and extended a hand. "Welcome to the druids, Lance."

Lance hesitated, and shook her hand.

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