Chapter 10

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Keith ran and ran, but could hear something behind him. He turned his head, and saw Lance running after him, a determined look on his face.

Suddenly, Lance revealed a sword in his hand, and launched himself at Keith!

Keith dodged it, and took out his own blade.

"Lance, what are you doing?!" kith shouted as he blocked Lance's strike.

Then he noticed something: the white's of Lance's eyes were yellow.

"Lance! This isn't you!" Keith shouted.

Lance said nothing. He slashed Keith in the arm. Then, he tackled him. He threw his sword away, and made a spark of lightning in his hand.

"Holy crow...!" Keith whispered.

Lance was about to finished Keith off when a finger went up to his com. He got off Keith, grabbed his sword, and ran away.

Keith stood up and looked out after him. He was too hurt to chase him.

"Lance...what happened to you?" he whispered.


Keith burst through the doors into the bridge of the castle. "I SAW HIM!" he shouted.

The team looked at him, confused.

"Keith!" Shiro gasped. "What are you talking about?"

"LANCE!" Keith shouted. "I SAW LANCE!"

Pidge dropped her laptop to the ground, and Hunk spit out his drink.

"YOU WHAT?!" Hunk shouted.

"No effing way!" Pudge shouted.

Keith sat down. "It was crazy..." Keith breathed.

"What do you mean?" Hunk asked.

"He was with...the Galra..." Keith said.

The team gasped.

"No..." Alurra breathed.

"I don't believe it!" Shiro said.

"But that's not the weirdest part! He was trying to shoot me, but warned me to run! I didn't because I wanted to know what was going on. He told me if I didn't run Lotor would take control, then he attacked me! I think Lotor is controlling how somehow. His eyes were yellow!"

"That's terrible!" Pidge said.

"When he was about to kill me, he had some kind f lightning in his hand," Keith said.

"He must've learned how to master Altean energy," Alurra said. "We must defeat him."

"Didn't you hear what I said?!" keith stood up. "He's being controlled by Lotor!"

"We don't know that!" Alurra said.

"What is your problem with him?! Ever since he admitted he was Altean, you've had some sort of hatred for him! What did he ever do to you?!" Keith shouted.

Alurra looked guilty. "Your right." she said. "He never did anything. I was just so surprised he was Altean. The Alteans have never acted like him, so I guess I was embarrassed he was my own kind. But I should've never felt that way. I should be proud that someone as great as him was a pat of my race."

"It's OK" Shiro said. "But what we need to focus on is saving Lance."

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