Chapter 14

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Lance awoke in his room on the Glara ship, no memory of what happened last night.

"How..How am I back here?" he thought aloud.

"Did you really think you could be back with your friends?" Lotor appeared form the shadows.

"To be fair, I was taken back unwillingly," Lance groaned.

Lotor chuckled. "That's fair."

"Um, hey, what happened?" he asked.

"You simply lead Voltron right to me."

Lance's blood ran cold. Without thinking he stood up and started to beg.

"Please don't hurt them! Please! You have to let them go!" he was on his knees.

"And why should I? They are my sworn enemies!" Lotor smirked.

"I will do anything!" Lance cried.


"ANYTHING!" Lance screamed.

"Alright," Lotor said.

Lance stood up. "Thank you!" he cried.

"I want a kiss." he said seductively.

(ALRIGHT! So, I'm not allowed to write smut. I originally actually wrote a gross scene, but decided, "You know what?This is wrong, and not me." So, it's just gonna be a kiss scene. Just imagine a normal kiss scene, but without the love. If you still don't want to see it, I will bold it. Your welcome.)

"Wha-What?!" Lance cried. "No!"

"Ah! Ah!" Lance chuckled and held up the remote. "You said anything." he clicked the remote.

Lance's eyes glowed yellow, and Lotor licked his lips.

Lotor put his hands on Lance's waist, and leaned in. Their lips met. Lotor's kiss was pasionate, but Lance did not kiss back.

"Kiss back," he ordered.

Lance obeyed, and melted into the kiss unwillingly.

Lotor ran his hands through Lance's hair, and pushed him against the bed.

Suddenly, door burst open, and Lotor looked up. The red paladin stood there wide eyed.

"How did you escape your cell?!" Lotor gasped.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!" Keith shouted, and launched his sword at Lotor.

Lotor dodged it, and revealed his own.

The two battled their way out of the room, and into the hallway.

"Hunk! Pidge!' Keith called to the two who were right next to the door. "Protect Lance!"

The two nodded, and entered the room, locking the door behind them.


"Lance?" Pidge sat on the bed with Lance.

Lance said nothing. He just laid on the bed, his eyes in a daze.

"Lance, please buddy, you have to find a way to break out of this trance!" Hunk said.

Lance again said nothing, but he did blink.

Pidge started to cry. "I'm so sorry Lance!" she said. "I don't know how to fix you!"

Hunk patted Pidge's back. "It's ok, we'll find a way to get that chip off him." Hunk started to pick at the chip on Lance's.

Lance flinched.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" Pidge said, and pulled Hunk away.

"But hey! He showed that he felt something! Maybe it was coming loose?" Hunk said.

"Or maybe it was just so painful he couldn't help it?" Pidge snapped back.

"Wait wait wait," Hunk said. "Isn't it Lotor who controls him when he's under his control?" Hunk asked.

"That what Lance said," Pidge responded.

"If we could just replicate his voice, maybe we could wake him up?" Hnk said.

"That's-not a bad idea! But, I don't have any tools to make a imitator devise!" Pdge said.

"Let's just do it the old fashioned way!" Hunk said, and he cleared his throat. "Lance, sit up." he said in a deep, seductive voice.

Lance instantly sat up.

"How the hell did that work?!" Pidge shouted. "Try something else!"

"Um, lay down?" Hunk said in his Lotor voice.

Lance lied down.

"OMG!" Pidge squealed.

Suddenly, Lance sat up and ran out the door.

"What the-Lotor must be calling him!" Pidge said. "After him!"


Lotor and Keith fought against each other hard. Keith fueled by friendship, Lotor by rage.

"Just give up!" Lotor said.

"Just give us Lance!" Keith grunted.

"Never!" Lotor swung at him.

Keith dodged it. He then swung at Lotor with the flat side of his sword and knocked him in the head.

"I didn't want to have to do this!" Lotor said, then pressed a remote.

"Oh god no..." Keith breathed.

A minute later, Lance burst through the door, a sword in his hands. Pidge and Hunk were right behind him.

"You were supposed to keep him there!" Keith shouted as Lance attacked.

"We tried to stop him!" Pidge said. "But don't worry! Hunk's got this!"

"Lance! Attack with me!" Lotor said.

Lance obeyed, and swung at Keith.

Keith blocked it. "Lance! Snap out of it!" he yelled. He looked over at Hunk. "Whatever you got up your sleeve Hunk, pull it out now!" he shouted.

"Right!" Hunk cleared his throat. "Oh Lance, would you please fight me?"

Lance turned to Lotor and punched him in the face.

"I do not sound like that!" Lotor yelled.

Keith was laughing. "Oh my god!"

"Lance! Attack the red paladin!" Lotor growled.

Lance turned again, and started to swing his sword at Keith.

"Lance! Attack Lotor!" Hunk yelled.

This went on for what seemed like forever, going back and forth. Lance was beginning to sweat. Right now, he was pushing Keith down to the floor.

"Lance! Please!" Keith cried. "Hunk! A little help!"

"Lance, attack Lotor!" Hunk yelled.

"No, them!" Lotor yelled back.

Lance looked between the two, then fell to his knees, clasping his head in his hands.

Suddenly, in a flash of sparks, the chip on Lance's neck exploded.

"No!" Lotor shouted.

"YES!" Pidge cheered.

Lance fell into Keith's arms, unconscious.

Lotor advanced on the two, but Hunk blocked with his gun. He shot at Lotor, and Lotor fell to the ground.

"Did you just defeat Lotor?!" Keith shouted.

"No, it was on stun." Hunk said.

"Dammit," Pidge mumbled.

"C'mon! Let's get these two to the castle." Pidge said.

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