Chapter 8

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(Time skip-One year)

The paladins arrived on the Balmara to see a large group of Balmarans huddled together.

"What's going on here?" Pidge asked.

The crowd parted to reveal Shay on her knees, bawling her Alien eyes out.

"Shay!" Hunk ran to her side. "Shya, what's wrong?"

"The Galra..they..BWAAA!!!!" she started to cry again.

Another Balmaran stepped forward. "A Galra soldier killed Rax, Shay's brother."

The Paladins gasped, and ran to Shays side to comfort her.

Hunk hugged Shay tightly, and she hugged back hard.


Back at the castle, the paladins were stressed. It had been about a year since Lance had been captured.

Pidge was doing everything she could, but it was never enough.

Hunk was eating less.

Shiro was training moire and more.

Alurra and Coran mourned the loss of one of the last living Alteans, guilt clouding their eyes everyday along with tears.

Keith kept on going on missions with the Blade of Marmora to distract himself.

Hunk wne to his chair on the bridge and video called Keith. Keith picked up.

"Hey Hunk," Keith said.

"Hey Keith, how'd the mission go?" Hunk asked.

"It went well, I just have to change and I'll be back at the castle." Keith said.

Suddenly, Keith's eyes widened, and he looked around in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Hunk asked.

"Did you hear that?" Keith asked.

"I don't have the same coms as you," Hunk said.

"I'm gonna have to call you back," Keith said, and hung up.

(Short, I know. The Next chapter takes place at the exact same time as this. I just wanted to make sure you guys understood.)

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