Chapter 8 - Another Late Night Convo

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I had trouble sleeping that night. I tossed and turned as my eyes swept over the evening sky fade into the night. It's pink and purple shades descended into black as other sunset-y colours washed away with it. I tilt my head to the side and see the locket on the floor, my foot implanted in the carpet lay beneath it. Man, I was oblivious to the true meaning of what a best friend was. I exhaled frustratingly and sat up in my bed. The clock read, 11pm, a ripe hour of the city to come alive. The roads would be more absent of cars but the view from my window to the city was breathtaking. The lights lined up like a perfect picture representing a night in the city. I stared at it a little more then a voice broke the silence.

"Enjoying the view?" I heard from across the way.

My head turns fast to meet the hazel eyes of my next door neighbor and golden boy. On instinct, I rolled my eyes, so used to the fact I was adapt to do that whenever he and his friends did something but he lifted an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Come on, I'm not that annoying." He says.

"I beg to differ."

His demeanor changes from playful to serious before I let out a small fit of laughter. He joins in soon after. I get up from my bed and walk towards the window. I pull away the black veil covering the glass and it was like cleaning a pair of glasses and seeing clearly through them. The view was so much more vibrant and abstract. It looked almost too perfect to be true. In front of me, Daniel stared at the city lights as well.

"I didn't think you'd still be up." He stated.
I took a few more moments to take in the view, not totally disregarding him.

"I didn't think I would be either."

Then, another thought came to mind.

"Why are you still up?"

He chuckled and as if on cue, pulled out a guitar from behind him. He held it carefully in his hands, like a delicate and priceless painting to be gifted to the Queen herself. Of course, it didn't look very extravagant but maybe it was as old as she was, no offense to her. The strings looked like they were about to snap anytime soon, the pickguard was scratched up (making me question what he uses this guitar for), some frets were missing and the edge of the sound hole was chipped. Now, I'm not too familiar with guitars even though I took lessons when I was younger, but I'm pretty sure I could have taken care of an instrument like that much more carefully. I giggle at the thought. He takes a look at me as I quickly stop. I could feel my face heat up and I clutch the veil tightly, pulling it in front of my face.

Instead of a snarky remark or sexist comment, he starts playing a soothing melody. It's nothing like I've heard before, it's beautiful yet sad and mysterious. His eyes are closed as he plucks each string with his fingers. It's a careful form of art, to be able to communicate thoroughly through sounds and music, without speaking. I watch as he furrows his eyebrows, unsatisfied with a section in his melody. I can hear it too, the way he hits a major chord, when it should be diminished. It doesn't take him long to correct himself, before finishing up the song and exhaling slowly. It seemed as if he was in a trance himself, completely getting lost in his own music, his own world. And I think he opened himself up to me a little bit more by just showing me a sliver of the colours in his mind. I clap in response and he shakes away from the daze he was in, letting out a small smile.

I hate to say it, but I think I may have underestimated the personality of the boy.

"I, uh, I kinda forgot we were still here." he stammered, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Music does that to us sometimes." My voice barely above a whisper.

Before we know it, it's about 12 o'clock on a school night and we waste the hour away with conversations of school, people, life and just other random topics. I know he's an Aries, loves his mom's pasta, he's been friends with Zach, Corbyn, Jonah and Jack since the start of high school and he's dreamed of travelling the world. A common interest we both share. While he's infatuated with mountainous views, I've wished to see the Islands of Bora Bora, Hawaii and Sicily. Something about experiencing other cultures, different foods, many languages and aspects of life just give me a thrill to live my days out longer to be able to say, 'yes. I did that'.

"Wait, wait. So, you really did that? You got naked in the middle of the mall and swam in the fountain?" I giggled.

Daniel couldn't stop laughing either. He leans back and clenches the window sill so tightly I could see the veins in his arms. Wow, since when did he start working out? He leans forward when the light strikes him again and I could see his face, truly. His eyes were shining brighter with true happiness and memories and the contagious smile he put on was much more attractive than the usual smirks at school. How have I not noticed this before? Why am I suddenly feeling so-

"Oh yeah, I lost a bet with Corbyn that if I couldn't eat 3 double cheeseburgers in 10 minutes, I had to strip and go for a dip in the mall fountain."

He stuttered the words out between fits of laughter. I laughed at how dorky he was. And then suddenly, the whole mood of the night changed when I heard the glorious sound of a babies cry. I look over to see Daniel pause for a moment before continuing his fit of laughter. I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder to see Xavier on the ground beside my bed.

"I gotta take care of him and besides, it's 12:10. I think we should be asleep now." I yawn.

I start turning around before Daniel says:


"What is it?"

He opens his mouth as if to say something but quickly shuts it. He stares at me fore what seems to be the longest time but only for a moment, then he flashes me a smile.

"It's not important. Goodnight, Juliet." He says quickly.

And just like that, he disappears into his bedroom. With uncertainty, I blink, just to see if he would come back out and say, 'jokes, I totally got you!'. He didn't and listening to Xavier cry even louder took me out of a trance. I rush over towards him and quickly tap my bracelet to his mouth before lifting him up to my shoulder and patting his back, shushing him. I glance towards the window, hoping that maybe, just maybe, I would see him. He wasn't out there. So I sighed and pulled the veil over the window once again.


I am so sorry for the long break, I have been going through some things lately and honestly, writing was just pushed to the back of my mind. I guess I'm kinda new with the whole feelings and hormones and other teenager stuff😂. I promise I will get back to writing but with the end of the semester and finals week coming up, I'd be lucky enough to get another chapter in before next month.
Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this kinda bittersweet chapter!

Happy New Year's!
- EmEm

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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