
5.1K 228 55

U P D A T E D  N O T E (2022)

First of all, thank you so much for reading this story.

I can't believe people actually read this story. This was just a practice piece when I was fifteen because I could never finish a book despite all the plots I had. I thought, maybe I could start with something smaller, and build my way up and up and up. Spoiler alert, four years later and I'm still working on it. Recently, I have stumbled upon this account and can I just say holy fuck I never thought people would appreciate this story the way I did? Fifty thousand views probably seem small to others, but it already meant a lot to me. So thank you so so so much. I know there were a lot of grammar errors, sorry about that. I've already fixed them but pls no hate when you still spot some lol. 

Anywayssss, enough of that. If you are still confused, here is the explanation of my story:


A: Here is a timeline:

2013 - Jeongguk and Taehyung's break up.
August 1-11, 2014 - Taehyung writing the letters.
August 12, 2014 - Taehyung's death.
August 1, 2018 - Jeongguk receiving the first letter four years later.

Wherever Taehyung died from, I can leave that up to your imagination. Although, I had a clear idea of how he died and I did hint a lot throughout the story. I hoped you noticed some of them lol. I was trying to be sneaky sneaky about it. (hint: not suicide, not from disease either though he was sick)


So, that is all!

Hope your questions were answered.

Once again, tysm for reading!

bigtitsentertainment is signing off. . .

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