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"I look ridiculous." Zero said from inside the fitting room.

"You've said that about everything, and I haven't even got to see anything yet. At least show me?" Kaname said, not annoyed, but surprisingly gentle for his demeanor. He heard Zero sigh, and then he stepped out of the room wearing a crisp tuxedo that was seemingly tailored specifically for him.

"See? I look like I'm going to my funeral." Zero snorted. Kaname tolled his eyes playfully and inspected the attire. "What?"

"I think you look rather dashing." Was all he said, his accent poking out a little bit with every word. Zero got the feeling that he hid it for some reason. "A colorful pocket square would do you nicely. Mr. Aido, would you mind terribly to fetch a selection of pocket squares for us?" Kaname used his best formal voice. The blonde man nodded with a smile before disappearing into the back of the store.

"What's this for anyhow? Are you planning my funeral for me?" The white haired boy said with his tongue poking out between his teeth.

"There's a benefit tonight. I'd like for you to be my plus one, there's going to be a dinner and live music by an orchestra. Some very important people of mine will be there, I'd love for them to meet you." He explained while fixing the collar on the silky white button down.

"Why me? Why not someone that's not, oh I don't know, dying? Maybe Mr. Greene would enjoy a fancy night out with his boss." Zero touched, but Kaname just scoffed.

"Mr. Greene, he's a very dear friend to me. However he doesn't much care for things like that, and plus, you have had most of my attention lately and I think it would be nice to get you out of the house."

"I've been there for a whopping two days, you already think I'm a shut in?" Zero asked while examining himself in the mirror.

"I know that if I don't make you get out, you won't. I didn't move you from one prison to another, you're allowed to do whatever you want. If you ever want to go somewhere just grab the keys to one of my cars or Mr. Greene is always happy to drive you somewhere." Kaname explained.

"Yeah but what if you need him to drive you somewhere?" Zero asked, curious.

"Mr. Greene has been given strict orders to stay close by and to do anything you would need him too. He's more of your personal security." Kaname said. The man that worked at the shop came into the room with a large black case. He opened it and set it on the round table.

"I have just about every color, solid and patterns. If you don't see one you like, or have a specific idea as to what you would like, I can have it to you before lunch." Mr. Aido said in a very sophisticated tone.

"How much do they pay you to be a pushover?" Zero blurted out, not exactly meaning too. The man stood there for a moment, before chuckling.

"Not enough, but I do enjoy my job. Now please, if you need anything do not hesitate to ask." He said before walking away. Kaname examined all of them quickly before looking back at Zero.

"Do you like green?" Zero shook his head. "Red?" Another decline. "White?"

"Gross. Lemme look at them." Zero said before walking over to the case. He looked at the soft silk fabrics that were literally every shade of every color. One stood out to him the most. "I like this one." He pointed to the dusty lilac one that seemed so elegant and just the perfect thing. Kaname picked it up and placed it in the pocket of the jacket.

"How funny, it matches your eyes." He said without looking up. Zero just kind of looked at the other boy, or man, in awe. How could he just know that it was similar? Of course, it couldn't be that shocking, his eyes were a strange color. "See how you like that." Kaname said. Zero looked in the mirror and was instantly surprised by the way the whole look changed.

"I think that's just what I needed." Zero said. Six o'clock sharp, the two stepped out of a sleek black car onto a soft, red carpet. As far as the eye could see were people that seemed of extreme importance like politicians and various celebrities. Zero tugged his oxygen tank over his shoulder. "I suddenly feel even more insignificant than I did before." He said nervously. All of these people were sure to look down their nose at him.

"These people don't mean shit, they're just here for publicity." Kaname said, smiling for a picture quickly and then letting his natural pissed off look take over. He placed his large hand on the small of Zero's back, making what felt like electricity shoot up his spine and touching every part of his body like he had stuck a fork in a power outlet.

The two walked forward, Zero looking about as uncomfortable as a teenager looks at holiday dinners with a bunch of old family members. Kaname walked up to a man that was talking with a smile.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite entrepreneur!" He said excitedly while giving Kaname a handshake. He walked with a cane and had a black top hat on for some reason. Zero thought he was awful overdone, but what did he know about fancy benefit dinners? "And who might this fine young man be?" He glanced at Zero, his facade becoming transparent.

"This is my good friend and roommate, Zero Kiryu. He's staying with me while I'm in town." Kaname said, and Zero was so thankful he didn't say something stupid like 'he's a cancer patient'. The man stuck out his hand to Zero, and reluctantly, Zero shook his hand. The man asked for a word with Kaname and then directed them just out of earshot. He was still smiling a fake smile when he started talking.

"Kaname, I know this is a benefit for cancer awareness, but it didn't call for an actual cancer patient." He spoke in a strained manner as if he was hiding his discomfort.

"I am aware of that." Kaname informed him. "To me, he's not a cancer patient. He's my friend, and he's never been to anything like this and he's quite fond of orchestral music. Perhaps, you should start considering even those who are sick to be normal people rather than just a patient. Have a wonderful evening." The brunette patted the older mans shoulder with a smile before walking back to Zero.

"I don't want your reputation to go down just because I look like an albino, soggy biscuit." He looked to the ground. Kaname was only looking at how attractive he looked right then.

"A reputation is really just what people say about you anyway, all I care about is who I am, and who I'm with. What other people say about me? Fuck that, I didn't work hard to please others."

"Amen." Zero replied. The two walked around, Kaname taking pictures with important people while Zero stood back and examined everything. Kaname looked so comfortable here, so at ease, so natural.

"Let's go find our seats, the entertainment is about to start." He said, guiding Zero towards the back of the room where chairs were set up. Two seats had a reserved sign on them and Kaname ripped it off. "Here you go." Kaname said motioning to the chairs. They sat down and soon, a large curtain that matched the carpet they stepped out on pulled back to reveal a large orchestra.

A man in a waistcoat placed a hand on the lower part of his stomach before turning around and clearing his throat. He tapped his music stand with his conducting wand and moved his left hand up before music took to the air. Zero watched in awe as the large array of instruments played together in harmony. Unknowingly, a small smile took to his face as he almost breathed in the sound. Zero was so enraptured in the music that he didn't even notice the look of pure adoration clear on Kaname's face while he watched the boy.

The music was wonderful, but to Kaname, nothing could compare to the view.

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