Chapter Two: The Lion, The Snake, and The Bad Plan

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Hermione stared at Snape, her mouth agape as he asked her the unthinkable. Okay, so she wasn't really that surprised. The only part that surprised her was that Snape wanted their help. She stole a glance at Ron, who sat in his seat, his mouth hanging dangerously low as his face turned paler than usual. Hermione placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Bloody hell, 'Mione. I think he's off his rocker. He disappeared, and now he wants to help Harry get laid? I don't bloody well think so. Not by a Malfoy, not by a snake!" Severus rose from his seat, his tea left on the small table.

"You'll very well do it and not utter a word to Harry about it or I'll have you in detention for the rest of the year," Snape stated, jutting his jaw out. Hermione watched the two bicker, before she intervened. "Alright, suppose we help you. Would you promise to go easier on the Gryffindors?"

At that, Snape visibly shuttered, before actually contemplating the thought. "Fine," he decided slowly. Hermione turned to Ron, who looked as if he'd been betrayed, was going to be sick, and suspicious. "I cant do that to Harry. He ended the war, I can't betray him when he's done so much for my family. And Ginny bloody fancies him, I can't do that to her. She's already hurt over Fred..." Ron's voice grew softer at his name.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Well I think he likes Draco, but is too scared to admit it because of us." Ron and Hermione stared eachother down for a few more minutes before Ronald sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Fine, what's the plan?" For the first time since they'd known him, Snape looked sheepish. "That's where I needed help."

Hermione took the quill from Snape's hand before he could protest. Ron sat quietly, and Snape just looked like he was thinking. "Okay, so if we locked them in a closet together, and made sure no one could get them in or out, and the only way out is to kiss the one you're with. Will that work?"

Ron shook his head, and Hermione watched in amusement as his hair shook with him. "As much as I hate the bloody git, he's really smart. He'll know for sure what's going on." Hermione pondered, and Ron spoke up again. "I don't think Harry will catch on. He's too dense. Malfoy isn't as oblivious as him, so he's the one we have to worry about."

Hermione pursed her lips, "Since when were you an expert on Malfoy?"  Ron's ears turned a pink color, "Since the time I thought you liked him..." Severus let out a groan. "I get it,you two are in love and all that-" Snape flailed his hands around, "Now how do we get Draco and Harry in love?" Ron surprised both Hermione and Snape with his next suggestion.

"You know the Mirror of Erised?" Hermione and Snape exchanged shocked expressions, and they nodded, waiting for them to go on. "Well, can't we trick them both into thinking that their deepest desire is eachother? And then kind of spook them into confessing? You know, nightmare potions, and then cast a manipulatory spell so we can fuck with their dreams?"

Snape and Hermione nodded slowly, "I think it's a grand idea, but how about we try mine first?" Snape nodded, "And then we'll try mine. Yours will be plan C, incase all hope is lost." The three nodded, and Ron turned to Hermione who raised her brown in question.

"Bloody hell 'Mione, what will we tell Harry?"  Hermione smiled, "Leave that to me." And so Ron did. Snape removed the silencing spelled and went back to the door. He opened it and it to greet Harry. "Alright Harry, you may come in now."

Harry made sure to watch how his friends acted and looked. If there was a single hair out of place... "Harry, it's nearly six, maybe we should get you to your appointment?" Hermione smiled, and gave Snape a slip of paper. "There, that's the schedule you asked for." Ron tried not to look confused, but Severus went along with it.

"Thank you, Miss Granger," his deep voice rumbled out. Hermione, Ron, and Harry all left, heading back to Hogwarts where they had one day left until they had to repeat their seventh year. Harry had a meeting with McGonagall, to permit sleeping in his own room. He didn't want to keep the Headmistress waiting. The three used floo powder, and then entered her main office after a curt knock and "Come in."
Snape unraveled the paper, and read over it slowly.

Operation Drarry 1A

Around six thirty, we will accidentally knock Harry into a closet with a simple lock that is impossible to open with out two people inside.

Here is how you can get Draco there.

Step 1:  find him and tell him McGonagall has asked for him.

Step 2: Lead him down the potions hallway, tell him the others are under construction until tomorrow.

Step 3: the first closet that is used to store extra parchment, is the one Harry will be in. Shove him inside.

-Hermione and Ron
Snape was impressed by how much she'd accomplished and in such little time. Snape apparated to the Malfoy Manor, and knocked politely on the door. Draco answered it, with bags under his eyes.  He looked a mess as his hair stuck out every which way, and his lips were rather chapped. He was even paler than usual.

"Draco, McGonagall is seeking an audience with you right now, you have five minutes to get ready," Snape said, making sure not to sound any different. Finally he would gain some closure. Draco exited a second later, looking fully awake with his hair sleeked back. Snape apparated them both to Hogwarts, and started the plan.

Draco glanced at Severus wearily, "Professor Snape, why are we using the potions hallway?" Snape glanced at him, his face stoic as he spoke. "The other hallways are under construction until tomorrow." Draco nodded until he heard voices.
"Oh!" He heard someone exclaim, though their surprise sounded rehearsed. "Ouch." And then Draco heard a clicking noise. He and Severus rounded the corner when he watched Snape's feet trip over his robes. Draco was lurched forward, and he  heard the clicking sound again.
Draco stood up and examined the room. A closet. He turned around and came face to face with Weasley. He stopped himself from scowling, and turned to leave, when he found that he couldn't not get out.

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