Preparing for battle

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(so this was kinda inspired by twlight breaking dawn part two)
Zayn's pov
My father called me very angry with me but he was more angry with Elizabeth causing all of this. Elizabeth went to her father and now there's going to be a war cause of Elizabeth's bullshit. She probably made up some big far fetched story and lets me honest Lucifer will find any excuse to start a war and defeat his father to win all control over all the worlds. Elizabeth called Mara and Pandora. They are pretty powerful demons especially Pandora. I called my friends Uriel and Ariel along with many others. I would've called Louis' mom and sisters but I don't know how he would react I still never really told him I knew his family and he never really asked. We've tried to reach out to other entities like the fairies and mermaids but they didn't want to get involved. Which is understandable I guess. Me and the guys were all training in the back yard. There were only two houses around whcib were mine and Luna's and Bella's so nobody would suspect anything.

Louis's pov
I can't help but to feel a bit guilty for all of this. I mean Elizabeth only did this because Zayn loved me and not her. Plus i know Zayn wasn't really supposed to fall in love with me but most uh.. creatures don't have a crazy bitch who's in love with us to fuck everything up. I felt as if Luna could read my mind just the way she was looking at me, it was strange. "Don't blame yourself Louis" she said from across the room. Damn she could read my mind. She smirked. Well fuck I kinda laugh in my head. "I don't know it's kinda hard not to feel guilty though" said out loud. Everyone nodded Thier head nobody really knew what to say. I went into the kitchen to see how the guys were training and they seemed to be working up a sweat. They've been at it for a good hour now. Maybe i should make them some lunch. I decided to make some homemade pizza with the girls for when they are finshed. We began making the dough working as a team. "The dough takes forever" Bella said annoyed but seemed to be enjoying herself besides the fact of it taking a long time. Luna giggled at her sisters words. "Oh shut up Luna" Bella said. "I didn't say anything" Luna said with a smirk. "You laughed" Bella said shrugging her shoulders. For a moment I forgot about every bad that's happened and was going to happen. I was having fun with the girls and I wish life could always be as fun as making pizza is. We finally finished making the dough and safaa pulled out the tomato sauce from the cabinet and doniya went to get cheese, pepperoni,and veggies. I saw Uriel and Zayn throwing fireballs at eachother and both of them dodging each one. I smiled at how focus z was. I was getting hungry by all the smells drifting off the food. We put all the toppings on and threw the pizza in the oven. We waited for what seemed like forever and I was getting hungier by the second. We made sure to make enough pizza for everyone to have two slices. We chatted about random things for the rest of the time of waiting and the oven finally dinged. Waliyha went to go take the pizza out of the oven to let it cool so we could all eat. It was cool enough for us to eat so doniya called the boys inside and we all began to dig in to the delicious meal that was pizza.

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