Episode 11

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(Still Ryoma's aspect)

“I hope Rei is alright,” Makoto said after the training as they were changing. I was standing outside thought I could easily hear them. “im sure he’ll be fine,” Nagisa said. “he should know that as swimmer, he shoud look after his body, especially with an upcoming race,” daddy said annoyed, “here, buy something for him and visit him.” ”cant R-“ I heard Haru starting. “that’s no problem, she can go with you,” I heard daddy. I pouted a bit.

“isn’t this the first time we’re visiting Rei’s house?” Haru asked as we were walking through the town. “I live close by, so ive already been there some times,” Nagisa said. “what do we need to buy for him?” Makoto asked.  “a melon?” Nagisa suggested. “isn’t that a bit expensive? Daddy only gave us 1000Yen,” I said. “what did you thought about Strawberries?” Nagisa asked again. “didn’t he became sick from strawberry flavored ice?” Haru asked. “yeah~ then banana’s!” “Is is fine to give him something to eat when he’s feeling sick?” Makoto asked. “I actually hope he didn’t became sick from the hotpot from yesterday,” I said. “or is he staying at home from what I told him yesterday?” Haru asked.  “well, actually I need to tell you something,” Nagisa said uneasy before he explained that Rei wasn’t sick but had visited Samezuka to talk with Rin.

“hey hey Rei-chan~!” Nagisa said as Rei opened the front door. “we’re here to visit you~!” “why is everyone here?” Rei asked a bit in shock. “you wherent at the training so we got worried about you,” Makoto said. “but I wasn’t-“ Rei started. “you even worried Gou-chan and Ama-chan!” Nagisa said before he was done, “Gorou-chan even said that you should look after your body especially with an upcoming race!” Rei looked up, “was everyone that worried?” “ofcourse,” Haru said. “you’re one of the team, aren’t you?” I smiled at him. “You’ve never missed a training afterall,” Makoto said, “we could expect it from Nagisa bu-“ “what is that supposed to mean?” Nagisa asked as I chuckled a bit.

“Rei,” Haru then started as he looked at him, “did you got to see Rin?” Rei looked surprised up. “im sorry, ive told them,” Nagisa said. “it doesn’t matter,” Rei said at Nagisa before he took a deeo breath and looked at Haru, “yes, I did.” “was it because of what I told you the other day?” “no, I had my own reasons,” Rei said, “but its fine now. Im done with worrying about him. Its not my problem, he has nothing to do with me.” Everyone smiled at each other. “alright, from now on you’re one of the team,” Haru said. “exactly, we need you as one of us,” Makoto said. “none member is replaceable,” Nagisa said. “just like real friends,” I smiled. Rei looked up, “yes!” he said excited.

That evening, Haru and Makoto brought me home and soon the next day started and I was standing with the others on the bus station. “fine, now ive teaches you everything I knew. The last thing you can do is doing your bests,” daddy said against the 4 guys who were standing in front of us. “we’ll leave tomorrow and there is a hotel reserved for you in the area of the stadium. So take a good rest tonight,” Miss.Amakata told them. “like they’ve written in many romans, ‘if w..’,” she started till the  bus had already arrived. “they is the bus already,” Nagisa said before Miss.Amakata was done. “lets go then,” Makoto said before Haru walked over to me. I looked up from the ground as I slowly looked at him. He placed his hand on my cheek and slowly kissed my lips. I close my eyes as I felt the usual warm feeling racing inside my body. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said after he broke the kiss. I nodded shyly, “have a nice day tod-“ “I don’t want to disturb you lovebirds, but otherwise the bus will leave without Haru-chan,” Nagisa said. Haru looked over his shoulder at him and nodded before he looked back at him, “I’ll see you so-“ “its just for a day,” Nagisa complained.

(Haruka’s aspect)

As soon as the bus left, the feeling of participating in a tournament became bigger and bigger. After a travel of 2 hours, which where over quite fast, and Nagisa ate 4 bowls of ramen at a restaurant, we visited a small shop. The next bus arrived and we arrived at dark at the place to be.

“we’re here all alone,” Makoto said as we had found our rooms, “tomorrow is the competition, now im really starting to get nervous.” “yeah,” I said as ive wetted my hair a bit. Someone knocked on the door and Nagisa and Rei got inside. “Haru-chan! Mako-chan, are you ready to go?!” he asked. “what do you guys want to eat?” Rei asked. “there is only one typical diner before a competition,” Makoto said and not much later we arrived at a small restaurant not far from the hotel.

“a pork cutlet bowl!” Nagisa said as we were watching the menus. “I think I’ll go with tenderloin cutlets,” Makoto said. “me to, 2 tenderloin cutlets please!” Nagisa said. “alright, 2 tenderloin cutlets,” the chef repeated. “I want to have the Miso Mackerel meal,” I said. “alright,” she chef said. “as expected,” Nagisa said. “im thinking of the hot pot or pork cutlet bowl with ankake sauce. Or maybe the chilled cutlet udon,” Rei said. “one hot pot, one ankake and on chilled cutlet udon,” the chef repeated. We looked up. “i-I didn’t mean all of them!” Rei said as we chuckled, “I wasn’t placing an order!”

“that was nice,” Nagisa said on our way back to the hotel. “im ate too much,” Rei said till Nagisa saw a group walking on the other side of the road. “would they also participate tomorrow?” he asked, “what if they’re in the line next to us?” “I doubt that, they’re body’s don’t look like they’re working out,” Rei said. “now you sounds almost exactly like Gou,” Nagisa chuckled. “oh, lets take a look at the pool!” Makoto then said.

But as soon as we arrived at the stadium, the doors where closed. “looks like we cme to late,” Makoto said. “we should wait till tomorrow,” Rei said and I looked around for a bit. “we can still see it,’ I said before I started walking towards a mountain not far away from here.

We walked up some stairs and ended at an open place with a view over the city. We walked to the edge where you obviously noticed the light from the pool from the stadium. “amazing,” Makoto said. “its huge!” Nagisa then said. “and we got to swim in that tomorrow?” Rei asked. “now im getting fired up!” Nagisa said.

It was around 9:15pm as we were back at the hotel and I was laying in one of the beds already till I heard Makoto picking up his phone. He texted a bit with someone till he suddenly called me, “Haru, its from Ryoma-chan,” he said before I turned around. He walked towards me and gave me his phone. I looked at the message Ryoma send him. {‘Good night Nana-chan, I cant wait to see you swim tomorrow. XXX  ~Ryoma’} I smiled a bit before  gave Makoto his phone back. “I hope we will make it to the finals tomorrow,” he then said as he got back in the other bed. I stayed quiet for a moment as is turned me on my side with my back facing him, “Makoto,” I then said. “hmm?” he looked at him. “I appreciate you being here for me,” I said quietly. “wat.. Haru?!” he sounded surprised. I got right up, “im going for a run,” I said before I pulled on my shoes and got out of the room.

“Haru-chan!” I suddenly heard someone calling me as I was jogging around. I stopped and looked at Nagisa who crossed the streets.

“when I woke up Rei-chan was gone, so I decided to look for him,” he told me when we were sitting in the park. “and why are you here, Haru-chan?” he asked me. “i..” I started. “nervous for tomorrow and couldn’t sleep?” “not really,” I looked away.” “to be honest im actually nervous as well,” he said before I looked at him. “I mean, what if I make a mistake, whouldnt it be that a huge disappointment for everyone then?” he said, “on times like this, I always think about things I usually don’t think about, that’s because Im finally able to swim in a relay with you guys again. Tomorrow we’ll swim against Rin-chan, that probably why you’re nervous right now.” I looked forward, “its all because of you.” He looked up, “huh?” “you where the one who came up with the idea of starting a swim club again. Ive never thought that I would be swimming in a relay again,” I said. “see? You should be more grateful to me,” Nagisa said proud. “yeah,” I agreed. “what?” he looked surprised up and I looked at him. “thank you, Nagisa,” I said before he started smiling bright. “Haru-chan!!” he yelled cheerful as he jumped onto my back. 

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