Believe in Yourself Midoryia

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"Tch, if you don't believe in yourself then who will?"

The green haired hero-in-training never thought he would hear those words coming out of those cracked lips, and yet he did. In his surprise he remained silent, unable to think of anything to say which caused the older teen to glare at him which was enough to reconnect his brain to his mouth.

"Ah, I guess you're right. I should believe in myself more and have more faith in this quirk of mine but... it's hard. Everything that I am working towards could just tumble down on top of me if am not careful..."

Tomura Shigaraki had given out one simple piece of advice, if you could actually call it that, was Izuku Midoriya's enemy and leader of the League of Villains, he was also the most dangerous man out there, aside from All for One of course.

Yet here they were, all alone in an underground cavern, not even fighting each other. They were actually working together to get themselves out of the damn place. Though Izuku kept showing his enemy how unsure he was about his quirk, even of his own skills in general and it was pissing the villain off as he heard the teen mumble about the situation they were in and his quirk.

"Stop. It," He said with finality that the green haired teen just looked at him wide eyed. "You are putting too much pressure on yourself and there is no reason for it,"

What Izuku didn't know was that Tomura did the same thing, putting more pressure onto himself than he needed to, but he had grown out of it, becoming a far more capable leader without any advice, yet that was how he was able to learn, although if that was truly an effective way of doing things was unsure.


"Right now you and I aren't enemies, currently we have a common goal, to get the hell out of here. Now neither of our allies know where we are, so they are of no use to us, however we both have our own skills and quirks that can help." He looked around them and notice the small stream of water. "Like that, we could follow this stream, it would need to have an exit out of here right?"

As he said that, Izuku looked unsure. "But we might have to dive into the water, and I don't know about you but am not exactly the best swimmer,"

The red eyes villain barely restrained himself from reaching out and grabbing the boy with all five fingers. "Think Midoriya, our quirks can get us out, this is going to give us a hint of where to go," as much as he would love to kill the boy, after all the enemy would be dead, there would no longer be any One for All to worry about, yet he was aware that he needed him alive, there were things that his quirk could do that his wasn't able to, plus the boy kept him somewhat grounded, if Tomura was ever fully grounded to begin with.

It was clearly the words that Izuku needed to hear as he nodded. "Ah, that makes sense, all right, lead the way," he was still cautious of him, knowing how quick Tomura was, even if he didn't have a speed quirk, though he kept jumping every time the older teen turned around which cause the villain to look at him with complete distain.

"You need to stop that, it's so tempting to actually just kill you now," he said drily and Izuku felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck, though he was certain the man wouldn't, as he had said, they needed to work together to get out of this place. 

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