Heroic Tenko Shimura

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When he finally got to wear his hero costume out in the real world was a day that he had thought would never actually come. He had been put into Thirteen's group of rescue heroes, his quirk appeared to be better suited to that side of heroic work that anything else, although it had been up for debate many times in the teachers' lounge, not that he was aware of that of course. He was grateful that Thirteen agreed to have him on their team, particularly after his performance he had made during the last exam. They were understanding about it, and more than happy to remind him that he had to watch his temper and his quirk, both were lethal, but one of them was permanent.

He found himself joined by another student, although he didn't recognize him as the dark mist walked over to him, wearing a metal neck brace of some kind that he assumed was to keep his body in the same place.

"Ah you would be Tenko Shimura, correct?" The man gestured towards him as they began to slowly move into the ruin down buildings to help people escape from the nearby fight that was going on.

Shimura nodded, but didn't ask for his name in return, his very presence was known to many who took notice of students who were unique, instead he focused on what they were trying to do. "I can get people out easily enough, I know this area." He wished he didn't know this area at all, but at the same time it might very well be beneficial to them. "But if they are trapped in a room, your quirk might be better suited to it."

"Indeed. But I shall need your assistance to settle them down... children tend to be rather alarmed at my appearance," he commented with a gesture to his misty form.

Shimura could relate, although he had never actually deal with kids in a professional setting before, so how would that work out? "Ah, you got a name?" he decided to ask, it wouldn't do for him to suddenly blurt out the other student's name without coming across as a bit of a creep, even if they were both graduating soon.

"Kurogiri," Was all he said before they headed into the building, Shimura easily taking down the large stone boulders that blocked their way and made a path to find the people that were still in the building.

The pair worked quickly and efficiently, most of the time Kurogiri was warping people to the local hospital until he was told to take the injured to another hospital down the road. Tenko was trying his best to not go back down the road of childhood memories, to focus on saving the kids and parents who were stuck in this collapsing building.

He spotted a small group of children hiding in the corner, huddled together and he knew this was would harder than the rest, they were scared, as they should be really, but they didn't know if he was a good guy or not. After all, Tenko wasn't a hero who had his office debut yet.

A young child had tears in their eyes, and he couldn't tell what gender they were, but as he gingerly came over to them they scurried back, which in turn sent the other children huddled together moving further away from the other child.

"This... this was my fault..." the child said pitifully and looked at him with tears in their eyes. "My quirk came today,"

"This wasn't your fault, there is no way your new quirk would cause all this," Tenko assured them, slowly going towards them and pausing when they reached out and touched a rock that was near them, it crumbled beneath their touch and for a brief moment it felt like Tenko was looking at himself, minus the scars, the blood and the lone hand that had been on the floor.

"My mother..." they turned to the wall they were near, a hand raised to touch the bricks, but they held themselves back. "She pushed us out of the room when everything started to fall." They began to sob and curled up into a small ball.

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