Panic Attack

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The villain had an opening to attack yet Shigaraki didn't take it. How could he? The blasted hero was hyperventilating!

He growled in annoyance, yet he did nothing still, how could he fight someone who wouldn't fight back? This wasn't like dealing with Chisaki, that idiot was a bigger threat that anyone else he had faced so far, but their goals had been similar, yet he had been a threat to his League of Villains.

This was different.

This was a hero vs a villain, this was a battle against the protégé of All Might and All for One. But how could he defeat Izuku when he was undergoing what appeared to be a panic attack?

"Calm down," He finally spoke, and the boy looked at him, panic filled his eyes and normally Tomura would enjoy it, but not right now, this was different; "Seriously, am embarrassed for you right now. But am not going to do anything against you, regardless of what you feel towards me, I refuse to cheat in this. You get a half hour reprieve from our fight," He sat down on an over-turned bucket and looked at the hero who was still on the floor trying to calm himself and he groaned in annoyance, wondering how he was cursed with getting a strong hero to fight only to find he just got overwhelmed so easily. Shaking his head, he spoke once more. "Slow down your breathing if you can, think of something... calming, or is it supposed to be comforting?" He pondered to himself, he was certain he had read about it somewhere on the internet, regarding his own issues with anxiety, after Kurogiri spoke to him about his neck scratching, which wasn't exactly the most becoming thing a villain to do, particularly one who was the leader of the League.

"You're not very good at this," Izuku gasped out, sweat trickling down his forehead and he chuckled.

"Of course not, what kind of villain do you take me for?" He asked with a grin and decided to continue on with talking, it seemed that Midoriya was beginning to calm down. "But slow breaths, that's right. I don't know why you panicked like that, it's not like we haven't faced off against each other before." He reminded him with a shrug.

Izuku couldn't tell him it was because he personally felt that a lot of people put this pressure on him, or at least that was how it felt. At school they were taught so much, as well as how a hero always had to do their best. His own friends, who had a lot of faith on him and yet they had no idea how much he doubted himself, he wasn't even sure he could kill Tomura, he wasn't that type of person, Tomura might be a threat, but really? In the scale of All for One? He wasn't that bad, and in the grand scheme of things? He hadn't killed anyone directly, at least from what he had heard.

Now that he was thinking about how evil, terrible and awful Tomura was, he realized what the villain had been doing. The man was helping him calm down, something that he was certain was going against a rule of some sort in the villain handbook.

"Why... why aren't you fighting me? You could... you could have killed me but..." he trailed off, the thoughts that had overwhelmed him before were coming back and he didn't need that right now. He focused on slowing his breathing, like Shigaraki told him, while also suggesting he think of something calming... or comforting.

"I could, you're right about that. But that's cheating isn't it? We have to fight head on." Shigaraki frowned as he looked at the boy, seeing that this was going to take longer than he wanted to wait. "I said I would give you half an hour, but I doubt you will be ready by then."

Izuku wondered if that meant he would extend the time, part of him worried about that, if he did that he wasn't sure if he would be able to fight him, he might be physically there for a fight, but mentally? He wouldn't be able to fight back properly, the mere thought of that was pulling him further into a panic.

"Huh, now you don't need to get so uptight about it," he scoffed at the young hero with a shrug of his shoulders. "Here's what we will do, I escaped with a warp quirk. It wasn't worth my time fighting you, the plan was in motion to see how strong the rest of your group are. Now I know what I'm going up against."

"But... but we will get stronger."

"Yea, but only by so much." Those red eyes looked at him carefully. "You focus on breathing Izuku Midoriya. We'll fight head on another time."

And just like that the villain who should have killed him, who could have done so, simply left. Leaving Izuku alone with his panicked thoughts, his rushed breathing and trembling form and once he was gone, it felt like a weight had been lifted from the young hero.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply and slowly, taking his time, hoping that Shigaraki would actually leave him be for the moment, and soon he found himself able to move, his breathing was regular, although mentally he wasn't sure that he could cope with everyone questioning him. Instead he sent a message to Aizawa to let him know he was okay, but he wasn't mentally prepared to deal with everyone about the fight.

Only a few of the teachers at UA knew about his mental state, the panic attacks weren't a common thing, but they could and did happen, and while Izuku wasn't sure if he should tell anyone about this, he knew that Aizawa would want to know exactly what happened here, he would know that Shigaraki wouldn't just flee and that his League were just seeing how strong the would-be heroes were currently.

Izuku wasn't sure how the next battle would go, but he knew that Shigaraki seemed to have some kind of morale stance in regards to fighting and he was grateful for that.

Tomura Shigaraki One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz