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He took a deep breath, glancing over at the teen who for some reason was still around him even though their passions were so vastly different. Why was the teen still around him of all people?

The green haired teen next to him wanted to be a hero, even though he didn't appear to have a quirk – and Tenko knew full well that he didn't have a quirk, but Tenko's own uncle; whose hero name was All Might and coincidentally was the teenager's favourite hero; had let it slip a few times when he was over for dinner or lunch with Tenko, about the training the teen was undergoing, and although Tenko himself wasn't part of the hero business, he could add something like that up and get the answer pretty easily -however now Izuku did and for better or worse, depending on how you looked at it, the teenager was going to go through with his dream.

Being a hero.

Tenko Shimura knew that being a hero was a hard job, how could he not when he had been raised by Gran Torino, who had warned him of all types of different heroes, villains and incidents that could kill him. As well as helping him work on his quirk to defend himself should it come to it, although that wasn't what Tenko wanted from his life, but he appreciated the sentiment though and at least he could defend himself if no heroes were around to save him or others, and of course if there was little chance that he would hurt any bystanders by doing so.

The old man had meant well, he had thought that the boy would follow in his grandmother's footsteps and be a hero like her, but he had no ambition for that kind of thing.

No, he was too full of anxiety and far too nervous to even consider such a thing. The mere thought of fighting someone was enough to make him be drenched in a cold sweat. He was fine with never being a hero, and he had worried too much about Gran Torino when he went out on patrol when he was younger and although later he had learned exactly what the older man did, curtsy of a babysitter who never realised that the young Tenko knew little about what Gran Torino was doing outside those walls. In fact the old man had been very devious in keeping the hero work separate from his ability to raise a child, who had been messed up in the head due to a neglected and rather tragic start at life.

Tenko could look back on that time of his life, when he learnt the truth, and although he had been pissed off at the old man, enraged even, letting his quirk destroy many chairs, pillows and a coffee table which had scared the babysitter to such an extreme that the old man had to hire a student from UA to look after him, but as an adult Tenko understood and respected the man for being able to balance out his life, to do what he enjoyed doing and yet still take care of the grandson of his old friend.

Then Gran Torino retired, claiming that the younger generation could take up the hard work, there was more of them now after all. Although Tenko was fairly certain that the old man never really retired, he had a theory that he just took a large step back from the spot light.

And then of course there was All Might, his 'uncle' of sorts and who was the main concern/worry that Tenko had in his mind, particularly after that nasty fight with what the public thought was Toxic Chainsaw... or as he knew it All for One, the man who had attempted to kidnap him. Twice.

The second time had been the reason how All Might was badly injured. Tenko shuddered at the memory, he had almost been taken away from the only people who cared about him by the villain, who had very nearly won and then something happened. He wasn't sure what, but All Might pushed through the pain, ignoring the fact that his insides were slowly becoming part of the outside and just viciously attacked All for One once Tenko had managed to break free of the chains that he had been imprisoned in with his quirk. The memory was horrible, the nightmares were worse and Tenko had refused to leave All Might's side while he was in hospital, although he had been coaxed away to have a shower and get dressed in clean clothes by the nurses, but he barely ate or slept in that time, which had a few of the nurses fussing over him at the same time as they were checking in on All Might's stats every few hours.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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