The morsel

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The human didn't move. But that didn't mean it wasn't alert. It might well be a ruse as to get its prey near enough to kill it effortlessly.
It was still worth observing the human - or rather the box sitting next to it - and balancing whether and how to get some of its contents.

The dumpster had provided a good meal but the cat would always eat as much as possible and whenever there was the possibility to do so.
There was no certainty in when, where or what the next meal would be. Or if the cat itself would be the meal to something else.

A bird flutters down on one of the lower branches of the greenery. It hops down onto the grassy floor, towards the human leaning against the tree. It tilts its head, waiting, getting closer, hopping back and forth until swiping a piece from the box and flying off at full speed.

The bird would make a good meal too. Maybe it is even the better option than the box? It is the safer option for sure.

The bird returns and the dance begins anew, forth, tilt, back, tilt, snatch, escape in case the human notices this time.

But he doesn't move except for breathing.

The contents from the box give off enticing smells.
The cat moves slowly, advancing on the box and keeping a firm eye on the threat.
It is crouched down on the floor, creeping up to the box from behind the human. Its tail is pointing backwards horizontally with the tip curled upwards, undulating from side to side slightly.

The bird alights again and after some seconds flys off with a piece from the box.

Only a few moments separate the cat from the contents of the box - or potential death.
Slowly the cat advances further.
Unlike the human, the bird has noticed the cat and doesn't dare to come close, watching from the safety of a higher branch as the cat closes in on the box.

Carefully, so as not to alert the human, the cat dips its head into the container and grabs a morsel between its fangs.

The retreat is just as silent as the scouting.
Back in the greenery the cat devours the chunk of roasting. It is good but in the box there is still plenty more and the human hasn't so much as moved a limb.

In the meantime the bird had picked up another item from the box.

The cat, getting more daring, grabs another and bigger piece of roasting, too.
It is excited, it's tail swishing from side to side and quivering. This is easy, nourishing food, delivered to its preferred spot for a midday snooze during the big human inundation, no hunting or fighting needed!

Again the bird has its pick, again the cat swipes a bit of roasting.

But only moments after having secured the biggest piece yet the human suddenly moves, first twitching its nose, then convulsing and making a brute noise along with giving off a shout of surprise upon seeing the thief.

Cat and human lock eyes for only a split second, the cats fur is suddenly ruffled, the tail pointing straight up menacingly. It hisses and bares its fangs around the meat in its grasp, whereupon it takes flight. First hiding in the thick green undergrowth, then climbing to the highest reachable branch of the tree.

It can see the human still sitting there and is reassured by not being hunted down, enjoying its prize for taking the risk.

Life of a cat / KatzenlebenWhere stories live. Discover now