Chapter 5- Slate Life

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Anne's Point of View

After rehearsal Ms.Stacy decided to give us the rest of the day off since she noticed how exhausted we were. Isn't Ms.Stacy a gem or a bright shining crystal found in the deepest voids of the sea in the castle of the hidden magical mermaids. That will make for a perfect story! A hidden crystal found by the brave scientist that risks her life for science! Diana and Ruby will love it! Oh for a second there I forgot that our story club base was destroyed. Guess that story will have to wait its turn.

As we left the stage Diana and I as always decided to walk home together.

''You won't believe the day I had! Moody just keeps messing up the dance moves, its driving me insane!" Diana rants.

It's actually kind of boring to hear her rant about Moody. Is this how I sound when I rant about Gilbert?

''Anne!'' a voice behind me says.

I turn around to find Gilbert walking behind us

''Ignore him'' I say between my teeth

''Nonsense Anne'' Diana says as she turns around to greet Gilbert

Really Diana?!? WHY?

''Hey Diana, I just need to talk to Anne for a second'' he says.

''Of course I will leave you two alone'' she says as she turns back to catch up with Ruby but before leaving, making kissing expressions behind Gilbert.

''Diana, you are so dead'' I mutter. I keep walking expecting him to catch up to me which he does.

''Hello Gilbert'' I say in the most formal tone possible

''Hey'' he says, I can see he is a bit taken back from my tone which makes me smile a little bit, there are few times where Gilbert Blythe is taken back.

He clears his throat ''Um I just wanted to see if you wanted to come over and work on the dance, Bash is with Mary so we'd have the house to ourselves and since you messed up I thought you would need the extra help'' he says

''Me?! You are the one that was messing up, if anything you need help!'' I say loudly slightly yelling.

''and Bash called me crazy for saying you had a fiery temper'' he mutters but unfortunately for him I heard him perfectly fine.

''OH REALLY I HAVE A FIERY TEMPER? WHERE IS A SLATE WHEN YOU NEED ONE!'' I say this time actually yelling.

''YOU KNOW I JUST REMEMBERED I'M NOT AVAILABLE BUT A BROOM MIGHT BE ABLE TO REHEARSE WITH YOU'' I say as I rapidly walk away leaving Gilbert there frozen. I really need to work on not losing my temper so quickly, but I did quite enjoy seeing Mr.Smooth Talker be left speechless. Of course the moment of victory didn't last long because after a few seconds he catched up to me.

''I-I didn't mean to anger you Anne but we are partners and we both need some work on the dance'' he says.

He's right I could use the extra rehearsal normally I wouldn't care about a dance but the best dancer gets a 5% boost on their grades and Gilbert has a higher grade by 5% so I'm going to be the most graceful dancer in that stage. If only I could dance like Princess Cordelia, her graceful dancing takes everyone's breath away.

''Fine, but only because you really need the help and I've decided to be a good friend'' I said proudly

''Okay, can you come over later?'' he said admitting defeat that I will never confess that I need help.

''I will have to ask Marilla and Matthew'' I say.

''How will I know you're coming?'' he asks.

''I guess you're going to have to wait and see'' I say and walk away.

Denial  {Shirbert Fanfiction} {Anne with an E}Where stories live. Discover now