Chapter 14- Our Little Secret

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Gilberts POV

''Anything for my dear friend Ruby'' Anne said as she followed Ruby outside.

I guess I should wait for Anne to come back so we can finish. I watch Diana and Moody, Diana looks frustrated while on the other hand, Moody seems to be under some sort of spell... a love spell. Diana storms off to Ms.Stacy and I figure that this is my chance to talk to Moody about his new found crush, Diana. I walk over to him by the window but before I could say anything I hear something outside, I peek out the window and see Anne, Ruby and Josie.

''When Gilbert marries me, I want it to be simply by fate and because he knows that I am his true love not because you threatened Anne or any other girl he talked to.'' I hear Ruby say outside.


I couldn't see Ruby's face but Anne's face told it all, Ruby stormed inside with Anne close behind her. As she walked in the classroom, I turned to Moody to hide the confusion in my face.

''Oh girl drama'' Moody said with a sigh

''You heard all of that?'' I ask him and pointed to the window.

''Gilbert I'm right next to you, if you heard it believe me, I heard it too.'' Moody said causally.

''Can't believe you have two chicks fighting for you bud, I still can't get one'' Moody said as his eyes drifted to Diana in disappointment.

I stutter to form words and the only thing that I manage to come out of my mouth is

''I don't like Ruby and Anne doesn't like me''

Has Ruby liked me this entire time? Is that why Anne wants to keep our friendship a secret?

It all makes sense now, the reason Anne ignored me the first day and why she was sitting alone, its my fault...Why was I so stubborn! I made things worst for her, if I had just left her alone then maybe just maybe she would... this is pointless there is nothing I can do now. I've known Ruby my entire life she's always been like a little sister to me I would hate to let her down, but there is still Anne, I want to keep walking to school with her and listening to all her crazy, unique ideas about the world around her, how she hangs on to every word she says, it's like she plans every word she is saying and carefully picks which one to use making even the most plain words feel fantastically special, I don't know what to do... do I let down Ruby and save my friendship with Anne or keep quiet? I wish dad were here, he always had the best advice when I was confused. And for the record Josie Pye, I don't like Anne that way, no wonder people say Josie has a big mouth.

The rest of the project Anne and I remained quiet. Anne kept turning back to look at Ruby who had been ignoring her ever since they got back.

''Alright class, its time for your lunch break try to stay near the school house and not go wandering off, we don't want to repeat yesterday's incident'' Ms. Stacy says referring to Billy who had left the classroom in lunch time and didn't come back until almost an hour after lunch was over, no one knew where he had gone and he wasn't the most talkative about why he was gone or where he went once he got back.

The girls sat in a circle as always, except Anne and Josie Pye weren't there which was expected after the whole occurrence. Anne sat by the corner looking out the window murmuring something that I couldn't quite make out. I approached her but as soon as I was in front of her I couldn't find the words that I needed.

''Hi Anne'' I said softly as those were the only words that could escape my lips.

Anne looked up to me and smiled and went back to looking out the window.

As the days flew by Anne and I became to use taking the route to school by the woods to go unnoticed and hiding under bushes to refrain being seen, it was an adventure every day, which I should have expected because Anne Shirley Cuthbert is an adventure herself.

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Authors Note:

Dear readers,

I would like to take a moment to appreciate you for waiting for this chapter to come out. I found myself with no time to write and stuck on what I should write, so as you guessed, it took a long time for me to upload this, but I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to write the next one soon. I also want to thank you for 12k reads! I'm incredibaly humbled that so many of you like this story, I still remember how nervous I was to publish the first chapter.

XOXO, the author (duh lol)

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