Chapter 26- Life at My Side

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Anne's POV

I waved goodbye to Diana as she entered her house and I continued walking towards Green Gables, I've always admired the name Green gables it has a beautiful ring to it, I certainly think. I reached Green gables to find a boy resting upon the wooden gated entrance to my humble abode.

''Henry, how in the heavens did you find me?'' I asked in awe.

''Very easily, just had to ask half of Avonlea where Green Gables was'' we laughed

I smiled at the blonde boy upon my eyes, his cheeks wrapped like roses in his face.

''Where shall you take me first?'' he asked

''I was thinking we could go see the magical Lake of Shining Waters, trust me you will absolutely adore it. I believe that place to be one of the most mystical places in Avonlea'' I gaped as I followed the trees leading me to the place I've been to more than a hundred times.

He nodded as he walked next to me. We fell into an awkward silence as we walked quietly side by side. I thought of something to say but I couldn't after all where do I even stand with this boy? With Gilbert? Is this a date?

''So Anne if I recall correctly you were going to become a teacher?'' He asked

''Ah yes, my endeavor to teachings, it's going quite well frankly. Ms. Stacy is the most wonderful teacher I could have asked for; her encouragements fill my heart with the utmost joy. She is one of my most beloved kindred spirits'' I rant

I proceed to tell him all about the Queens academy I'm planning to study to get into and he listens just like the perfect gentlemen he is. A prince really, a prince charming. Not that I need a prince but he sure is wonderful.

We arrive at the lake of shining waters as I gape at the surreal sight of the beautiful trees reflected in the water.

''This place is quite pleasant'' he noted. He took off his jacket and laid it on the ground ''allow me'' he said as he reached to take my hand. I gladly took his hand as I sat down on his jacket.

''Thank you'' I smiled, he smiled back ''are you not going to lay as well?''

''Oh dear no, this suit is not really well fit for grass customs''

''oh okay'' I went back to gazing at the lake and taking in the sounds of faraway birds chirping away.

''Shall we start going?'' he asked. He offered me a hand up which I gratefully took. See Gilbert would have never laid his jacket for me to lay on, he is not even half as gentlemanlike as Henry. Why am I thinking of that boy anyway?

''Where would you like to go next?'' I asked him as I gathered myself up.

''Wherever you chose to go I'm sure will be perfect'' he replied

I smiled ''Well then, lets head to the beach, it's quite dazzling. I promise you'll adore it. The shores of Prince Edward Island are elysian''

''Sounds wonderful, you have a wonderful vocabulary Anne, I admire intelligent women''

"Thank you but I would hardly call myself a woman, I'm still in the amidst of my lively years. There's yet so many things for me to experience'' I think of my first day at Green Gables it only seems like yesterday when I signed the Cuthbert bible.

As we walk, he discusses all about his abroad studies in London, and his current plans for college. He plans to become a lawyer; I can picture him perfectly fighting for justice.

We reach the ocean shore and I run to the water

''Anne what are you doing?!" he yells as I feel the cold-water seep through my feet, and I dig my feet into the sand.

''Come in the water! It's wonderful!'' I yelled as he rushed to the shore.

''Are you insane! This beach water is filthy!'' he scolded as he stepped away.

''Oh Henry how deeply wrong you are! The water is serene and clear as snow in a winter afternoon, its a fortifying feeling'' I giggled as I look beyond the sea line, beyond the water, to the possibilities beyond waiting for my arrival.

After a few minutes I left the water and we began walking back to Green Gables as the sun was beginning to set.

''Anne you really do look lovely, like a beautiful delicate orchid'' he said as he pushed a hair out of my face.

I smiled at him scared that if I spoke, I would stutter on my words. We reached Green Gables.

''Anne can I be frank with you'' he asked

''of course Henry'' I said

''I like you Anne, I think you would make an exceptional wife. Of course not now we are far too young but I would like to introduce you to my father back in Charlestown. Money wouldn't be an issue as I inherited a large sum of money from my grandfather's passing'' he smiled


''Oh? If you need time to think about it that's okay'' he said sweetly

''Yes, I think that would be best'' I said

He kissed my hand as he left

I walked into Green Gables and greeted Marilla

''Hello Anne, did Gilbert drop you off? I heard a boy's voice outside'' Marilla asked

''no'' I ran upstairs and went to my room and waited for Diana to arrive. I know she'll be eager to hear all about Henry and me.

I proceeded to begin writing a short love story, in light of the events of today. The words flow out of me like flames in a wildfire, eager to run free.

UGH I groan as I bang my head my head against my desk in frustration.

Gilbert Blythe, I ask you kindly to PLEASE GET OUT OF MY HEAD

It's impossible to write when every time I close my eyes I see you smiling at me, ugh I can already see you smugly smirking at that statement so let me clarify that I do NOT like you. I like Henry, charming noble and kind Henry.

I try to wipe my thoughts of Gilbert away and finally finish writing my new romantical story,

''Anne, Diana is here!'' Marilla says from downstairs.

I sigh in relief at the thought of her here, if anyone can take my mind of things it sure would be Diana Barry.

I go downstairs and greet Diana with a warm hug, as she follows me to my room.

''Oh Diana you came at the perfect time! I just finished writing my new romantical story'' I squeal.

''What's it about'' she asks.

''It's about to rivals that end up falling for each other, their names are Roy and Priscilla'' I say and hand her the story.

I followed Diana's eyes as she reads the story and as her eyes land at the bottom of the paper her eyes become wide and a sly smile appears on her face.

''Say Anne, what was the name of the two lovebirds in your story'' Diana asks.

''Roy and Priscilla, why do you ask?'' I say

She points to the last line of my story and I reread it

He wraps her arounds his arms as Gilbert kisses Anne.

The End

Oh no

I like Gilbert Blythe

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