Chapter 24- Cole Mackenzie

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He dropped his paper as he ran, and I picked it up, curious of the rest of his story. He finally stopped running when we reached the cliff with the ocean view, one of my favorite places in Prince Edward Island. He sat down at the edge and looked out into sea, he looked lost maybe a little broken too.

''you dropped this''

He looked back as I approached him

''thanks'' he said

''mind if I sit with you?'' I said hesitantly.

He doesn't answer so I take it as a yes and sit next to him.

''Why are you here?'' he asks


''All I've done is make your life a living hell, so why are you here?''

''Sometimes you have to chase the fox'' I say hesitantly

I see a small smile escape the corner of his lip, maybe there is a bit of good in him.

''I'm sorry'' he said still not looking at me, he looks afraid?

''water under the bridge'' I smile as he finally looks to face me.

We sit in a comfortable silence as we look at the ocean, searching for the right words.

''...I'm tired of being the villain in everyone's story including my own''

''As one smart red headed girl once quoted ''life is too short to be spent nursing animosity and registering wrongs'' I tell him remembering the infinite times Anne has quoted Jane Eyre.

''I'm guessing that was Anne?'' he asked

''Yeah, Billy it's okay to be different, it's okay to smile, it's okay to be...'' I pause to think what he is, but I don't know. I've only ever known Billy the bully and suddenly before me exists Billy the person, and he's not so bad when he's not trying so hard to be 'normal'

''it's okay to be me'' he repeats filling the last word I left gaped. I don't know who 'me' is for Billy, but he seems nice, and I hope I get to know him.

''I'm really sorry Cole'' his voice breaks as he says the words and I can't help but pity him. I put my arm on his shoulder as my own way to forgive him. ''My dad is just really, really mean sometimes. I just feel like I'm never good enough for him''

''I understand, my family isn't the fondest of me either. They rather have a farmer son than an artist.'' I say as I memorize the sound of the crashing waves below us. ''I came to town because Ms. Josephine said its time for me to talk to my family, but I'm not sure that I can.'' Why am I telling him all of this?

We looked at each other and smiled comforted by the thought we weren't alone.

''We should go back so you can finish your story'' I said, he nodded and together we walked silently. If I thought about seeing my parents again now I don't think I would ever go over to them, so instead I thought about Billy and how he was not so bad after all.

As we finally reached the classroom, he stopped.

''I can't'' he stuttered as he started to step back.

''You've got this'' I said as I gave him a reassuring smile.

''can you come with me? I don't think I can do it without you''

I found myself going to say no, but perhaps if the last time I was in there I hurt Billy, helping him will ease the guilt I've had ever since that day. I nodded and we both came in as the classroom turned silent. I stood at the corner as Billy came to the front once again.

I looked at him with an encouraging smile and he began reading ''The boy with no name wanted to smile badly, but he realized that he had no one to smile with.'' He stopped and turned to Ms. Stacy ''Is it alright if I make some changes?'' she nodded and he continued talking ''He didn't deserve forgiveness or anyone to show him how to smile, but someone did. Someone helped him smile and as his lips curled upwards and his eyes wrinkled, he finally learned his name. He became himself, he finally accepted himself despite what his father would think or anyone at that matter'' he put his paper down.

The classroom is so silent you could hear everyone's breath, suddenly the silence broke like glass as Anne began clapping followed by Diana, Gilbert, and soon the whole class applauded Billy. Some didn't genuinely understand his story but those who did appraised him for finally finding his 'name'.

The class dispersed for lunch and Billy came towards me ''I think there's one more person you must apologize to Billy...''

He nodded and went over to the girls ''Anne may I speak to you?'' he said. She hesitantly nodded and they went outside. Though I couldn't hear what they were saying Anne's smile told it all.

They came back and she looked at me, I know she's going to have so many questions when we get home.

''I believe you also have a task that must be completed'' he said. Talking to my parents, I was hoping I could avoid it for the day but he's right I need to talk to them.

''You helped me so its my time to help you'' he said as he stormed out of the classroom dragging me with him.

I groaned he really is stubborn ''alright'' we walked side by side towards my house as I tried to form words to what I want to tell them.

Hey mom long time no see, sorry I left town with an old woman to do art and like boys? No, that sounds sarcastic, I want to explain why I left and tell her that I'm okay.

We reach my house and it feels like an enveloped sealed in my brain was open, the memories of this place evade my brain and body.

I gulp, ''you got this, I'll be right outside'' he says in hopes to comfort me.

I slowly walk to the front door and knock on the door.

A woman with wrinkles in her cheeks and pale brown eyes opens the door. She looks shocked maybe a bit angry.

''Hi mom'' she's silent so I continue talking ''I just wanted to let you know that I am okay, I'm with Diana's aunt. Diana is a girl in the Avonlea school, her aunt lives in Charlottetown. And I-I I'm sorry that I disappointed you, but I don't want to be farmer. I like art mom, and Ms. Josephine says I have potential.'' I pause hoping to get any emotion from her, but her face is blank. ''and I'm sorry I lied about school and left so suddenly but I'm finally happy now. So, expect letters from me'' my voice starts cracking as I start to get teary eyed, so I decide to leave it at that.

I nod at her as I walk away to Billy who's waiting by the willow tree.

''How did it go?'' Billy asked as I ran up to him

''She didn't say a single word, but this isn't the last time I'll be seeing her''

We both smiled as we walked through the shady forest, we who once used to despise each other now walk side by side knowing we're the only people who truly understand each other.

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Authors Note:

I wanted to make a chapter about Billy because I feel like it was important to give a reason on why he was so mean to Cole and Anne, I always thought he just really wanted to impress his father, in the second episode of season one you hear the dad calling Anne a dog, which initiates the bullying of Anne by Billy. Also, I didn't really insinuate romance between Cole and Billy because I know a lot of people don't see it and I can see why they would say that since Billy was so mean to him. At the end of the day, its up to your imagination what happens next, maybe they become more than friends? 

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