Chapter 20- The Doctor and Baby

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Gilbert's POV

''Are you sure you can do this Gilbert'' Mary asked for what seemed the millionth time.

''I think I can manage 4 hours with a 3-month year old child, just go have fun, Elizabeth and I will be fine.'' I reassured them. If it was up to them, they wouldn't leave me with her for even an hour, but Mary's sister insisted on a dinner with Bash, and let's just say it be better if Elizabeth didn't go to that family reunion.

'I'm surprised I didn't meet your sister at our wedding'' Bash says to Mary as they begin to pack a light bag.

''Oh she was in Paris at the time, speaking of which I should warn you, my sister can be a bit...'' she paused thinking of the right word ''judgmental, so don't let her get under your skin''

''Well if she's even only a one fourth of how kind you are, then I'm sure I'll like her just find'' Bash kissed her on her cheek, as Mary smiled.

''Okay Blythe we have to go now, try not to miss us too much'' Bash joked.

''I'll try my best'' I chuckled. Mary handed me Elizabeth, as she and Bash headed off, I gave them a final wave goodbye as they left my view.

''Sooo what do you want to do?'' I looked at Elizabeth who stared back at me blankly. ''Not much of a talker I see'' I laughed at my own joke and put her down on the couch as I went to the kitchen to get some water.

As the minutes passed, I realized that I should probably give her food, per Mary's instructions I took out some powdered milk and a spoon. ''Time to eat Elizabeth'' I told her as I scooped up some of the powdered milk, yet she didn't open her mouth, no matter how hard I tried she wouldn't open her mouth. With one more try, I scooped up some milk and got close to her face, which only made her start crying.

I began rocking her in my arms, as I heard a knock in the door. ''Good morning Gilbert'' Anne Shirley Cuthbert said suppressing a smile, was my torture amusing to her?

''Good morning Anne'' I said as I tried to calm Elizabeth down and stop her from crying.

''Looks like someone doesn't like you'' Anne said as she looked at Elizabeth and smiled ''Did you call her carrots?''

I chuckled ''What brings you by?'' I said as I noticed a basket of bread in her hand.

''Marilla made an abundance of scones for the church so now we have too many at home and I thought you might like some'' She said as she handed me the basket. ''May i?'' She said as she looked at the crying baby.

''Please'' I exhaled, who knew holding a baby was so tiring. I passed her Elizabeth and she began rocking her and singing a song and Elizabeth stopped crying.

She laughed as she saw my surprised expression ''H-how did you do that?''

''I was an orphan remember I've been taking care of baby's for as long as I remember, did you feed her yet, she seems hungry'' she asked as I welcomed her inside and put the scones in the kitchen.

''I've tried but she just wouldn't open her mouth'' I say remembering my defeat. I give her the powdered milk to feed Elizabeth.

''Well it is known for kids to not like doctors'' She said jokingly, she handed me back the milk ''I'll teach you how to feed her, for future reference of course''

''Make the spoon fly around like a bird, that always use to work with the kids I use to take care''

I use her advice and make the spoon fly around before I feed it to her, and to my surprise she opens her mouth. A satisfying smile enters my face as Anne gives me a round of applause.

I look back to Elizabeth who now doesn't look so happy and before I can register what's going on Elizabeth opens her mouth and spits out the milk in my face.

Anne burst out laughing as a sneaky smile enters Elizabeth's face. ''Here let's get you cleaned up'' Anne says still laughing. She has a great laugh, it's not a loud laugh its light and soft.

Anne puts down Elizabeth as we head to the kitchen. She gets a cloth and dips it water as she starts to hesitantly wipe the powdered milk form my face. We stand there in silence as her face turns shyer by the second and mine more red which she hopefully doesn't notice.

''Um all done'' she says softly as she removes the cloth from my face.

This time Anne feeds Elizabeth, and all goes fine, of course. Soonly after eating Elizabeth falls asleep and leaves Anne and I alone.

''I think I like her better when she's sleeping'' I whisper as Anne giggles.

''I can't believe we'll be starting college next year, it feels like only a day ago that I arrived at Green Gables.'' I look at her neck and see the carrot necklace I got her and try to hide my smile; I wonder if she wears it all the time.

''Yeah I'm excited to begin my studies to become a doctor'' I respond.

''Do you think you will do anymore travelling?'' she asks as she looks at Elizabeth with a sparkle in her eyes.

''Maybe but I think I've done my fair time of travelling, what about you?''

''Definitely, there's so many beautiful things in just Avonlea, makes me wonder what other wonderful things the world holds.'' she beamed.

''that's for sure, with a creativity as big as yours, you're meant for much greater things that Avonlea can hold'' I replied.

She smiled, without stopping myself I began to examine her freckles, she always said they were her biggest shame along with her hair, but I liked both, the red complimented her fiery personality and her freckles reminded me of speckled stars.

''Well um I should get going, can you survive the next hours without me Doctor Blythe?'' she joked as I snapped out of my thoughts.

I chuckled ''I'll be fine as long as she's asleep, um thanks for your help''

''and oh Anne'' she looked back ''I think you would make a great wife...'' her eyes widened as a smile crept upon her face ''...and mother''

Her cheeks turned a light strawberry red as she waved a final goodbye and I closed the door. That girl, that girl is indescribable. 

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