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ya boi started school so that means my less then frequent updates will be even less bc I'm gonna be STRESSED as fuck and probably crying over a stack of homework (i decided it would be fun to take AP World History lmao fuck me) and music projects so wooooohoooo je vais mourir!

(j'étudie le français cette année. Comment est-ce que je sonne?)
(it's bad but i'm trying my best to practice more so bear with me if i start using french :3)

and uhhhhh right so i'm taking a music production class and y'know depending on how life goes i miiiiiight make like a soundloud... and load up some oroginal songs... eventually... so pls support me n my shitty music if it ever happens 🤪

anyway yeah that's all i think, just wanted to tell y'all n shit but uhh yeah lmao i'll do my best to update a little

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