Chapter 4

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Night falls again. The whole family goes to sleep, except for the team. Everything was set to capture anything strange. The lazy Alivia lays on the sofa with his blanket on his body, starting to close his eyes. Karl facepalms.
Karl then goes to the kitchen to grab some more coffee for the crew. As he started to pour the coffee, he heard metal clashing. He didn't bother, so he continued with the pouring. He heard a clash again. He poured the coffee so quickly because he was scared. Then, he burned himself. He also spilt some liquid on the floor, so he grabbed a towel and wiped it off. Something dropped from the floor and it was a knife. He became faster because he's nervous. He reports it to the rest of the people as well as delivering the coffee. Matthew went to the kitchen, and didn't saw anything. The knife was still on the floor, though.

In the living room, Alivia slept. His blanket gets pulled by something, and he feels cold. He wakes up to find the blanket, and it was on the floor next to the bookshelf. He questioned himself how did the blanket went there. He saw coffee, he tries to stand up but he was too lazy. Matthew shows up and talks about what happened in the kitchen to Alivia. Then, Matthew saw the blanket moving, like someone's under it. Alivia turned around, shaking in fear. He had nowhere to go, so he stayed on the sofa. The blanket gets nearer and nearer to him, and the blanket fell on the floor. The lights started flicking on and off.

"What the heck is happening?!" Alivia said.

"Everyone, don't panic. It's just something wrong with the light system." Keilie said.

A scream was heard upstairs in Adonis' room. He's also alone in that room. Everyone came to his room. The door was locked, no one can open it. After a minute of screaming, the door was finally opened. Lauren gets worried, asking Adonis if he's okay. He was acting weird, all he did was say "I'm okay, mom. Don't worry". Keilie was curious, thinking that he would be scared but he's chilled and fine. Everyone wakes up until morning time without sleeping.

At early dawn, Matthew, Karl and Adam went to ask some neighbors if they know where the Pharrell's family elders is currently living. Only one knew. 67 kilometers away, they came to the destination. They parked the car, and saw Mrs. Pharrell, known as Elizabeth Pharrell the mother, sitting on a chair having some tea. She greeted the young investigators and invited them to sit down. Whilst she was serving tea, they asked her of why the house was haunted.

"It's a long story. Once Nash died, we were in pain. A year later, his soul returned. We had a plastic toy of his, which is a boy wearing blue pants, a red and blue vertical stripped shirt and brown shoes, with his right hand holding a yellow and red stripped fake balloon and his left hand holding a sign saying "Balloons!". The toy was half our size, too. He wanted to be in the toy to stay with us, and we said yes. Days and days passed, his sister was happy. The thing we can't stand is how annoying he is. Everyday, he always laugh "ha-ha" and saying "Hello", "Hi". We believed there's something wrong, so we called the priest. He said that the house's haunted by him. We told Nash to stop, but he won't. He gets mad and haunts the whole house. But that's not the end. Victoria suicided because she can't handle us, too. She just wanted to have fun with him, but we denied. She haunts the life-sized marionette that we have, and the whole house was a disaster. What we have to do was move out and let the priest do their thing, so we did. They no longer haunted us. The house was abandoned forever until someone comes. Although I'm alone now, but I can handle it."

The mystery was heard. Matthew thanked her for the story, and goes to the car. In the meantime starting up the car, Elizabeth asked if she could come because she wanted to finish this. Matthew and the others agreed. She hopped in the car and began going back to the house.

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