• Chapter 2 - First Day of School.. Well for Keith •

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          I walked to school and saw someone getting bullied outside but I knew if I stood up for them... then they'll just run away and avoid me the whole day not saying anything... but I'm not one of those people who let others suffer... I don't want anyone to feel what I feel..

          I walked over to the bully and pushed him away from the smaller teen "Hey back off! You shouldn't be bullying others!" I had said as the smaller teen stared up at me shocked. The Bully punched me and pushed me against the ground right after, "Hey guys, look, it's that transfer kid everyone has been talking about." they laughed as I frowned. 

          "See ya around sh*thead.." they all had laughed as they walked off. I sigh and get up looking at the smaller teen "You alright?" I had asked them. They smiled and chuckled a little, "Yea! Are you alright though?" they had asked back reminding me that I had got punched and the bully left a purple bruise. "Oh I'm fine, this is nothing..!" I smiled awkwardly.

          "I'm Keith uh.. yea I'm the new transfer kid" I didn't know how to start a normal conversation. "Yea, It's all everyone talks about, I'm Pidge" she took her hand out for a shake so I shook it. "We should get to class meet ya at lunch? I can introduce you to my friends!" they smiled sweetly to me and I was happy that I made a friend. "I actually can't make it to lunch for a few days, I need to catch up on the work I missed out. I'm sorry maybe next time?" She tried not to frown but accepted it.

        We both parted our ways and I went to the office to sign in and get my schedule, after I did I went to my first class which was Mr. Coran's Social Studies class. I've never had Social Studies class for my first period so I groaned in a bored tone. "I went into my classroom and Mr. Coran told me to sit next to a boy named Lance and told him to raise his hand to show me who it was. I blushed very light as I looked at Lance.

"Oh no.... he's hot....! Keith... No... NOT THE GAY VIBES! NOT RIGHT NOW!!"

"UGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEE!!! I already saw this guy and I'm in love....! I can't let him find out"

"He probably hates me with all the rumors that has been going around the school...."


"I won't let him know..."


"I'll always be alone..."

          I forgot all about what happened outside with Pidge and started crying silently with my head down. A hand was placed on my shoulder I looked over and saw Lance trying to calm me down, "Hey, It's alright... everything is gonna be fine... Are you okay?" He smiled sweetly just like Pidge did but with a little more of a worried look. "Fine, yea I'm!" just came out of my mouth.  A blush creeping on his face of embarrassment, "I-I meant! Yea, I'm fine!" I yelped out loud making Mr. Coran turn from the board and look at us. 

          "Lance, Keith, your behavior is unacceptable in my class. Keep it up and I'll have to give you both a detention after school and Keith, this is a terrible way to start off the day, I expected more from you, or should I have to speak with your brother..?" He twirled his mustache which made people laugh a bit quietly. 

          "N-No sir... that won't be necessary..." I say stuttering a bit looking down at my desk making people talk behind my back. 

"Good job Keith.... people are gonna hate you even more now..."

          Lance looked a little shocked at how Mr. Coran acted towards me. He thought maybe he should leave me alone till class ended. 

          The bell rang a bit after and I waited till everyone left just like in my other school. After they did I left the class apologizing to Mr. Coran beforehand. He gave me a warning but I was fine with it as long as he doesn't say anything to Shiro. I walked out of class and I see Lance waiting for me to come out. 

          "Lance?" I asked which spooked him a bit. "Hey! I just wanted to say sorry for getting you in trouble I never seen Mr. Coran act that way.." I shrugged it off, "I'll be fine as long as the teachers don't say anything to my brother." we both laughed at that.

"I'm..... I'm Happy...?"

"Is this was happiness feels like...?" 

"If it does..."


"I don't want it to go away..."

          I smiled at my own thought then realized it was popped by Lance talking to me again, "Wanna hang for lunch with my friends..?" he smiled then my smile faded because I couldn't... "I... I can't... I-I have to catch up on work a-and it'll take a few days-" 

          "It's okay." I got interrupted but in a good way cuz I was never gonna stop, "I understand, whenever your done, I'd be happy to have you in my group of friends." He smiled brightly which made me blush a light bright pink. "O-okay!" I huge smile showing on my face. 


          "We should hurry to class now! Bye!" I ran off to my next class while Lance walked to his. 

"I'm... happy...."

"I'm happy.." 

"I'm Happy!!" 


"The rest of the day was pretty normal and I made 2 new friends! I Now regret saying to Shiro I wouldn't get any friends.... but I should pretend the day was good... they were probably just being nice to me... they aren't my friends.... they're trying to use me.... I know they are... I know when people lie.... and they are definitely lying.... they're not trying to use me... they ARE using me.... I hate myself... they hate me.... God WHY! DID U HATE ME SO MUCH THAT I'M NOT WORTHY OF ANYTHING ANYMORE?!"

          I cried myself to sleep when I got home...


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