• Chapter 3 - How... ? •

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          It's been a week since I have been going to school and I now just realized that maybe they aren't just using me... maybe they really just wanna be friends. I love the thought of having friends but it didn't last long till I heard Pidge and Lance arguing at school. I tried to stop them but that earned me a punch in the face by Lance and a small gasp by Pidge after. 

          "Oh my god... Keith I'm so sorry!" he reached out for me but I pulled away and ran off and out of school crying. 


"Did he just...."

"Punch me...?"

"Why were they fighting in the first place...?"

          I knew I was in trouble when I found myself hiding from school and my home, just sitting behind a random apartment building. I looked up to the sound of people calling for me. "Hey fag, get up from the ground, this is our territory!" One of the guy that looked like he was the leader of their group kicked me so I got up and punched him which didn't affect him, only a bloody nose. 

          I regretted doing so after they pinned me against the apartment wall and did stuff no one should go though. 


• Lance's POV •

          I've done f*cked up and I know it. I punched Keef, what is wrong with me?! I didn't realize till he looked at me with a shocked face. I heard Pidge gasp and punch me in the arm right when he ran off. "Pidge we need to look for him after school... I know we should go look for him now but I can't risk getting a detention for 'An excuse to skip class'..."

          "No duh! This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for us fighting for Keith!" I knew they had a crush on Lil Keef and I had accepted that but they got mad at me because I kept using a few pick up lines on him ,making him flustered sometimes, and they didn't like it, and got a little jelly. I didn't want Pidge to lose hope on maybe winning his heart one day but I also didn't want to lose Keef for myself. I might have just ruined my chance with him... oh no... Keef I'm sorry...

          Me and Pidge went to our classes. I got distracted thinking about Keith and what would happen to him... Is he okay..? Is he at home..? I don't know...!! 

          "-ance... Lance...!" I looked over at the teacher who had called on him. "Have you seen Keith today? He has never missed a day from school and you two seem like friends right?-" friends.... are we friends...? I don't think so... at least not anymore.. after what I have done... the teacher waited for me to respond but I never did... "Lance? Are you okay? You seem distracted..." "Nurse..." is all I could say... "Excuse me what..?" I looked up at the teacher looking ready to cry.... "... May I please go to the nurse...?" she looked a little stunned but nodded.. 

          No one in this school minus Pidge and Hunk has seen me cry.. I was tired of holding in the tears so I let them go down.. they didn't stop... I was really worried about Keef... What do I do..?! 

          The nurse had let me leave school early and head home.. but I didn't, I went to Keef's house which I've been to many times before, for study, movie nights on the weekends with Hunk, Pidge, Keef, Keef's older brother Shiro, and his boyfriend Adam, sleepovers, and other things... Keef probably just ran home... 

          I knock on Shiro's door which had been opened by Adam instead of Shiro. "Is Keith home right now...?" I asked nervous but the answer had got me to tears again but less than before. "No of course not..? He's at school, and shouldn't you be in school as well..? Are you okay?" I ignored him knowing and just blurted out- "No.... Keith no.." I looked up at Adm who had a confused look on his face. "If Keith isn't at school nor at home... then he ran off... Adam! Keith ran away! I punched him by accident! I swear I didn't mean it! I-I-" I started bursting into even more tears "We need to look for him! He's a very fragile kitten! Who knows what's happening to him right now!" 

          Adam had tried to calm me down, I looked down and sniffled while Adam was calling Shiro from work. "Shiro, I need you to come home quick!" Shiro sounded worried "what's going on??" "It's Keith.. He's gone missing.." "I'll be on my way!" the call ended. "Shiro's on his way Lance it'll be okay..." he shot me with a soft warm smile that got me to smile.

  •  20 Minutes Later And Shiro Has Come Through The Front Door Panicking • 

          Shiro had asked me what had caused him to run off and I told him everything that happened "I didn't know my fist crashed onto his face, it just went by so quick that I didn't even realize that I made him cry... I'm really sorry! We're going to try and find him right...?" "No-" I was confused for a second "we're not going to try and find him, we will find him..!" 

          Shiro had know Keith was very fragile and suicidal around his dad. But we don't think he will anymore cuz he lives with Shiro and Adam now. 

          Shiro had promised me to buy me a jug of ice cream while we looked for Keith. I chugged my ice cream looking to see any trace of Keith. We heard lots of screams and crying... it sounded like... Keef.... omg..! KEEF! I run over to the sound and Shiro and Adam followed me. It's getting louder and louder till there was no noise at all... Keef...? Buddy? My man? "Keith!" I turn a corner-

[ WHAT'S UP MY DEGANG! IT'S DEBUG HERE and everyone's gotta love cliffhangers am I right or am I.. right lol JK I know we hate them but we'll have to see what's going on with Lil Keef next Chapter. I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!! PIECE OUT!! ]

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