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A/N: there will be a video linked in one of the tweets. it is important to watch it and take note of the song and the dancer's emotions all throughout, as they will portray lisa in this chapter.


"Lisa, get up. We need to go. Today's the dance camp and you can't ditch this. We prepared for this, remember?"

Chaeyoung coaxed her best friend, in hopes that she will give in.

Lisa only stared blankly at the ceiling, eyes puffy from crying all night and lack of sleep.

"I couldn't even move..." her hoarse voice spoke, "I just stood there when I heard those words from her."

A tear rolled down her face, "I don't remember how I got home. I just remembered it hurt. Seeing her hurt, Chaeng..."

She broke into sobs, crying out the tears left in her.

[ flashback ]

"Please, don't say you love me. I might not say it back..."

Everything fell silent. Jennie, who was watching in a distance, witnessed and heard it all. Jisoo looked straight at her with tear-stained face, while Lisa just stood there.

"Goodbye, Lisa"

When Jisoo was almost out of sight, Lisa fell onto her knees, gasping for air. Jennie ran to her, trying to help her breathe properly and getting some sense into her.

"Lisa, fucking breathe. Come on, breathe with me. Follow Nini." Lisa's eyes looked lost and broken.

When Lisa finally met eye to eye with Jennie, she clung to her like her life depended on it, body trembling and soft whimpers coming out of the girl, breaking Jennie's heart at the sight.

"You're okay. You're gonna be okay. Let's go home and rest."

"I..love her.." she gripped on Jennie's shirt "but she didn't- even let me say it..." Lisa buried her face on her shoulder, tightening her hold on her friend.

"I know..." Jennie doesn't even have the words to comfort her.

The sky started getting dark. She had to take her home.

the calls kept coming and no one's answering

the calls kept coming and no one's answering

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[ blocked ]

[ end of flashback ]

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[ end of flashback ]

It took everything in her to finally get out and join the crew to dance camp. She stayed silent throughout the ride, while Jennie and Chaeyoung tried to distract themselves with small talks and music.

The two knew best to let her be for awhile.

The two knew best to let her be for awhile

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"Lisa, we're here. Ten and Kyle are inside." Chaeyoung opened the door for her and they entered the building together.

Everyone seems excited and happy, aside from her. When they entered the big dance hall, she was approached by a familiar person.

"Hey, Lisa." The girl smiled shyly, but she noticed it wasn't fake.

"Joy" She answered, but was instantly interrupted by Chaeyoung, eyeing the other girl cautiously "Lisa, is she bothering you?"

"No, no. It's fine, Chaeng. Go ahead, I'll follow you." She nodded.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah, I guess." She shrugged, folding her arms.

"I'm sorry for what happened before. I never got to apologize properly..." Joy continued,

"Dohwan..he's really controlling and abusive. It was all his idea and I'm sorry for taking part in it. I never wanted to hurt you."

This part of information surprised her. Remembering her last encounter with the two of them, it did seem like Joy couldn't speak for herself.

"I- didn't know. Sorry you had to endure that kind of guy." Joy smiled softly, "it's okay. I'm just glad I got away from him now."

Lisa opened her arms, to which Joy studied carefully "hug for closure? I think we both needed it."

Joy's lips turned to a grin, gladly accepting the embrace.

"You look like you're the one who needed it most, Lisa. Release what's in your heart in this camp. This is safe space."

Lisa joined her team. Everyone was studying her and it was making her feel uneasy.

"Did Joy do anything?" Her best friend ask, "Yeah, she apologized. We're okay now." Lisa smiled a little. It did make her feel a bit lighter, but still had that sinking feeling in her stomach.

Groups and solo artists started performing after each other. If she was in her normal state, she would've enjoyed it. She stood up and walked over to Kyle.

"Kyle, I wanna do a solo."

"You sure you can do it?"

"Yeah I need to... I have to express myself." Kyle hugged her tight.

After successfully managing to dance with Square 3 Crew's performance for the camp, she waited by the side for her to be called out for her solo stunt. Jennie and Chaeyoung went by her side.

"You sure about this? People are gonna see this online." Lisa nodded. "We got you, bub."

[ must watch ]

Everyone clapped as Lisa walked towards the center, conditioning herself. Once the music started, her emotions started to show along her movements.

*take note of the song and emotions of the dancer. enjoy*

As her performance ended, people roared with cheers and applause at the intensity and rawness of her emotions while dancing.

It might not be visible to everyone, but her friends can see the tears streaming down her cheeks, as she catches her breath.

She bowed at the audience, quickly exiting the room to keep herself from breaking down in front of all the people.

Jennie and Chaeyoung followed in suit, to keep her company, not knowing that another person silently trailed behind them as they left the building.

in the sky | lisooWhere stories live. Discover now