Pinkie Promise?

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  • Dedicated to The Pringles Corporation (<3 you guys lol)

Seven year old (y/n) ran along the sidewalk, laughing and giggling as she occasionally twirled around, her spring green sundress mimicking the motions.

"(Y/n)! Be careful!" Her mother called out affectionately, her hand intertwining with her husband's. (Y/n) reassured her parents before sprinting off.

Cars noisily honked and switched in the street as pedestrians ran across. The sun shone on glass buildings and people chartered on their phones. Grass sprung in the cracks of the cement and was a bright pop in the boring city. Wind blew lightly. It wasn't called the Windy City for nothing.

(Y/n) stood dancing from foot to foot as she eagerly awaited her parents to catch up. She'd been waiting to go to the park for a while, her parents having fears of their precious daughter being kidnapped or shot, but was rendered beaten when one of their friends mentioned a safe park for them. And (y/n) wasn't in the mood to wait much longer.

Once they showed, (y/n)'s father kissed her head, waving her off to go play. (Y/n) ran off, splinters of wood crunching and becoming unsettled under her sandals. Her bright (h/c) flew behind her, nothing holding it back.

But soon, her parents called her back to introduce her to another person.

"(Y/n), this is Marco."

"Hi Marco." (Y/n) politely responded, wishing she could go already.

"He's here to play, too. So why don't you two play together?"

(Y/n) didn't want to play with another person. She wanted to be free, to run off by herself, independent. But, this boy didn't seem too bad, so she'd stick through it for her mom.

"Okay, momma." (Y/n) grabbed the boys hand and pulled him off, dragging him to the swings where they both took a seat, yet neither one swung.

"I'm Marco. It's nice to meet you."

"I know."


(Y/n) kicked at the wood chips, watching as they flew and scattered, sliding and bumping to a stop a few feet away. Marco sighed, lightly rocking on the swing.

"Do you wanna play Pirates?" Marco asked, slight hope in his voice. Anything to escape the boredom.

(Y/n)'s head looked up. "I love Pirates!" She claimed, hoping off the swing. She ran off, heading to the playmate as she called behind her, "Last one to the playground gets sunk!"

Marco gasped running after her. "N-no fair! You got a head start!" He laughed at (y/n)'s antics, dashing up to match her pace.

"Marco! Honey, get ready to go home!" Marco's mother called, shutting a magazine and putting it in her bag.

"Aww man." (Y/n) whined, hugging Marco. "We're having so much fun!"

Marco laughed, hugging you back. "We can play again, (y/n)! My mom said so!"

(Y/n) released Marco. He stuck his pinkie finger out, his freckled face smiling brightly. "Here. It's a promise."

(Y/n) gripped his finger with hers, smiling at Marco. "Promise."


A seventeen year old (y/n) sobs loudly, her fragile form racked with sobs. She shakily extends her pinkie finger, her entire being wobbling.


The tombstone doesn't respond.


Whoa where did this come from????


/not sorry\

I'm so depressed right now... only Collar Full and This is Gospel can help me now. Panic! At the Disco, what would I do without you??

(P.S. I think my old crush is ugly now. No more crush for me! I'm single, I just want some Pringles.)

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