Here Comes Goodbye

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Just saying this now, I hope you cry, or I'll have failed as a writer.


I sigh as  sit in a boring chair in the corner of a boring, empty room,the fireplace barren of anything but black, dusty ashes. I held a cup of coffee, but it was cold and flavorless by now.  I held the cup with both hands, silence filling the house. I lift it to my mouth, my lips resting on the lips of the cup, but I didn't drink from it. The bitter taste was one last thing I needed now.

 My ears perk up as I hear the sound of gravel crunching under the wheels of tires. With a click, the engine stops and I peek out the window to see (Y/N) step out of the car, as beautiful as ever.  She walks up to the front door, and I wait for her to enter like she usually does, but frowns when she rings the doorbell I hadn't heard in a long while. I open the door to see her face littered with a frown. 

I refused to believe it at first. The frown, slow driving, ringing the doorbell. We make small talk, but she never enters. She ends it all with a sigh and hand running through her hair. 

"Marco, look. I'm sorry, but it just isn't working they way we want it to. I hate doing this, I really do. It hurts me too, you know? But it has to be done. Goodbye, Marco." (Y/N) says, giving me one last fleeting kiss before turning on her heel and starting up her car. I watched it drive out of sight, my heart crushed, ripped, burnt, absolutely a mess. 

Sure, it had been a rough few months, but you could overcome that, right? Apparently I was wrong, and I bite my lip as tears fall from my eyes. They started as a tear or two before erupting into shaking sobs. I realized this was more than likely the last time I'd see (Y/N) and I shook my head to shake away the thought, but every shake brought it deeper into my conscious. 

The last time I'd see her vibrant smile as we walked hand in hand, her head resting on my shoulder as I placed small kisses into her hair. I'd never see her bright eyes or hold her soft, delicate hands again. I'd never kiss her plump lips again, feel them mold together like the last piece to a puzzle. Never would I feel the satisfaction of leaving love bites on her neck for everyone to see. All I'd have was the sight of her back as she walked away.

All this started was the beginning of every sleepless night, the first set of tears that would come, the undying sting of pain in my heart. Was it because I had asked (Y/N) to move in with me? Everything was fine before then, but (Y/N) would never leave over something so petty, that wasn't like her. But maybe it was? I wished things hadn't changed at all. Truth be told, I knew why she left. Why she left him without too much hassle. But I couldn't bear to hear it.

Not even that long ago, in the same spot in front of the fireplace where I sat, I had held her and kissed her and mumbled sweet nothings in her ears. I swear I can hear her say she loves me like it was yesterday. And I remember.

When we confessed, I could see by the look in her eyes that sh'd never felt this way before, and I was giddy to know I was her first love. And I always thought I would be her last. That one day, her daddy would be standing by her side as violins played "Here comes the Bride".

And now that was lost. It went from good, no great, to her being gone, and I could barely fathom the thought of her not being beside me. Of not waking up to see her sweet face, hear her angelic voice, or relish in her bright personality. But here I was, a stupid sap, bawling like a baby in the middle of the floor, wiping the waterworks from my eyes, but to no avail. I was such a baby sometimes.

As much as I had wanted to deny every particle of my being that said, 'we knew already', I couldn't think of anything else. It was goodbye. It was the last time to meet, but the first of every night I would cry myself to bed. It was the beginning of every tear I would shed. It poked at the balloon of worry in my heart and broke it, spilled all it's pain out right over my heart. 

And gosh did it hurt. My heart felt strained, twisted, knotted, and beaten, but it kept beating, kept loving the girl who couldn't continue to love me back.

Here comes Goodbye

Wow what an ass for posting this. Anyways, enjoy this little drabble! (Based heavily on the song Here Comes Goodbye by Rascal Flatts, who is a god of music, tbh.)

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