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Jack POV

My heart froze at her statement. She loved me? Surely I missheard her. 

"You didn't misshear me, Jack. I do love you." I looked at her confused. "You kind of spoke out loud." she said, supressing un-pirate-like giggle. I blushed. I hugged her, breathing in her crisp, clear, winter morning scent. I lifted her chin and was about to kiss her when someone knocked on the dooe. 

"What?" I snapped, opening the door to a shocked North. I groaned.

"Sorry North. Didn't sleep well last night." I said apologetically. I glanced at Elsa and she nodded, relieved.

"Sorry, Jack. But we are nearing land." Land? 

"Where?" I took off to the deck, North following and Elsa following North.

"To the left. We are about to dock. Since it is just past dawn, we will have all day at the port. Don;t get too crazy." North said, laughing. I ran past a startled Tooth to the front of the prow. 

There I made the announcement. "We are docking soon. Since it is morning, we will leave at nightfall. Do not take anything other than what is needed. We will be needing water, Tooth your group got that?" i said, and Tooth noded curtly once. "North, get your crew to get more meat." North gathered the rest of his group and stood by them. Everyone else, same drill as last time, 1/4 at the port, the rest on deck. Dissmissed." I shouted.

I then told Elsa I had to go get something, then thrust some money in her hand, telling her to go get something for herself, but to stick with at least one of the crewmen. She nodded and ran off to find Mel, a guy that she had taken a likeing to and asked me to have him as part of her own group on my ship. I said yes, but now I'm kind of jealous. I mean, the girl is popular, but still. I wish it wasn't with the guys too much. Oh well. I then ran off the deck to go to the shops.

Elsa POV

I was handed some money and Jack told me to go hang out with someone, preferrably a guy, so that I wouldn't be bothered on land. I nodded and went to Mel. I practically dragged him off the deck and into the shops. i followed Jack. 

"Uh, Els?" I heard Mel ask behind me. "What are we doin, spyin on Jack?" I smirked.

"Why, you know me so well Mel." I giggled at my faux properness. He cracked a smile. I turned back to Jack, but he was gone. "Shoot." I said, looking at Mel. "Well, let's go get shoppin." I looked over at a paleling Mel. "Chill. I just need a few new shirts and a weapon or two. Nothing girly like that weaird make-up those French girls wear." 

"Er.. okay." Mel said. i grinned and dragged him into the clothing store. He respectfully waited outside while I went in and grabbed a few off the shoulder blue shirts with leather straps for my shoulders. I paid and followed Mel to the armory. We got inside and the guy there just looked at me once.

"So you are Elsa, huh?" 

"Uh, no. Of course not, I'm Annabel. Elsa is my sister." I said confidently. "This is my boyfriend Mel."  I said and Mel nodded.

"Yeah. Right. Get her." the man said, and three guys jumped out of the shadows. One grabbed me and the other two held Mel back. 

"MEL!" I screamed, then everything went black. 

<some hours later>

I woke up on a bed that was, admitedly comfortable. I got up and rubbed my head. Some one opened the door, a guy with white hair. "Hey, how ya doin?" he asked, his voice soft and full of concern. It was sweet.

"I'm good, but, remind me. Who are you and where am I?" I asked. I knew immedeately I hurt him. 

"I'm... I'm Jack Frost. Captain of the pirate ship Spirit. You are Elsa Dell, captain of the pirate ship Aren. Don't you remember me? Or even you?" he asked, his voice was full of pain.

I looked at him. He was certainly cute, and since we were both pirates, he couldn't be worse than me right? "Erm... no. I'm sorry Jack. But where am I?"

He sighed. "You are on my ship. the Spirit. we are sailing towards the Ice Palace, the plcae that grants the deepest wish of whoever enters. We had kidnapped you in hopes of you helping us. You did help us, and became co-captain of my ship. We were talking about a merge, then, well, this happened." he said. I knew he waas holdign something back. 

"Tell me the other parts." I said, impatient.

"Uh, other parts?" Jack said, trying to act confused. 

"I may not know you, frosty, but I do know when someone is holding back information."

Jack groaned. "Well, erm... just before we left, and you got hit on the head, we both told eachother we loved eachother. Then we seperated and you went to go get a weapon and I went to go get a r...meat." he said, covering up what he was going to say before. I looked hard at him, but I accepted it. For now.

"I... loved you?" I asked tentatively. He nodded looking hopeful. "Sorry Frpsty. I don't remember you. I remember everything that is not related to people: how to cpatain a ship, which ships were the best, which places to go to and stay away from, hell, I even know how to make a hamburger, yet I don;t know who taught me, who certain people are, anything! I only remember my crew. And my sister, but not their faces. Just names. I... I need to know who I am and who everyone is. There are a few names that I know outside of my crew, Haila, a girl who was a close friend, Mike, an old enemy, and Nikky...a... a... casualty of a bad war with Mike..." I faltered as I remembered Nikky. She was my second sister, the one in between Anna and I. Anna always thought she was a cousin but she was a sister. I started silently shaking with unwelcome, unshed tears. I felt Jack move around and pull me into his lap, hugging me tight to his chest. I sobbed, soaking his blue shirt, the unshed tears flowing freely now.

"Shh... shh.. it will be okay." Jack murmered in my ear. I dried my tears soon and pulled away from him. 

"It will. After you catch me." I said and darted off. The layout was pulled from my mind quickly, even the secret passages. I ran in and out through crew memebers, into secret passages, and ontop of the nets. I giggled and kept running when Jack neared me. I finally started tiring and I tripped on a rope. I looked up in time to see a giant something heading towards me. I recognized the man behind the object. A ginger. Named Hans. I tried to scramble up and get out of the way, but then everything went black. Again.

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