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dazhiddleston: It's this sexy beast's birthday!! Do me a favor and comment "happy birthday sexy beast" under his latest post just to annoy him

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dazhiddleston: It's this sexy beast's birthday!! Do me a favor and comment "happy birthday sexy beast" under his latest post just to annoy him. But anyways I wish you the best birthday ever and thanks for everything. Love you💓
tagged; Chrishemsworth
993k likes | 893k comments

username: I love their friendship

username: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY BEAST chrishemsworth

twhiddleston: That's going to annoy the hell out of him😂

chrishemsworth: You really are the worst sister
Chrishemsworth: But thank you for the lovely post

Username: I bet they're going to have a party to celebrate

dazhiddleston: But you love me chrishemsworth

imsebastianstan: You know my birthday is coming up soon
imsebastianstan: very soon

username: DATE HER imsebastianstan

chacecrawford: Fly to NY for the weekend with Seb dazhiddleston

robertdowneyjr liked this comment

imsebastianstan: He really wants to meet you dazhiddleston

dazhiddleston: What about T'Challa???? imsebastianstan

chadwickboseman: I'll take care of my son. Don't worry. dazhiddleston


dcampbell: GOOO

chrisevans: I'm going to don't worry dazhiddleston

twhiddleston: It's a single people trip dazhiddleston

liamhemsworth: I guess we know which Hemsworth is your favorite

username: hahahaha ^

dazhiddleston: He's my favorite Chris and my favorite Hemsworth liamhemsworth

prattprattpratt: I'm going to ignore you for the rest of my life
chrisevans liked this comment

dazhiddleston: It's his birthday. Get over it prattprattpratt chrisevans

chacecrawford: So are you coming???

imsebastianstan: I need to know too ^

dazhiddleston: Yes imsebastianstan chacecrawford

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