Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. dazhiddleston: This angel agreed to help me find the best pizza in Manhattan
tagged; Imsebastianstan
997k likes | 885k commentsusername: IS THIS A CONFIRMATION??
Imsebastianstan: Only for you honey
paulwesley: For a minute I kept on reading angle
chadwickboseman: We agreed to go on this adventure with EACH OTHER!! traitor
tomholland2013: "angel"
tomholland2013: my ship is sailingusername: I hope they're a couple
twhiddleston: I thought we agreed on Rose's
username: Omg finally getting a new picture of seb
Username: Gorgeous human being😍
Elizabetholsenoffical: SINCE WHEN ARE YOU GUYS A THING
dazhiddleston: Since never... you would've been the first person I told
dcampbell: Miss my wife and her boyfriend and her boyfriend's boyfriend aka chris e.
chrisevans: miss you too dcampbell
natebuzz: Hey remember me? I was on a tv show with you for like 6 years? Yeah? Well it doesn't look like that, answer my texts please
dazhiddleston: new phone who dis? natebuzz
dazhiddleston: yeah well i dont have a boyfriend dcampbellchrishemsworth: I have a feeling we did this in Australian a few years back.

ALL I WANT | Sebastian Stan
Fanfiction"What a cliche to fall in love with your co-star" | dazhiddleston: social media seriously harms your mental health imsebastianstan: She's all I want