Hey this is Paul Wesley, I asked Chace for your number so I could clear up a few things. I'm not sure if you saw the articles but I wanted to tell you that Daz and I aren't dating.When we were together she became really close with my family and she still is. My mom became sick and I felt that I needed to tell her in person so we went out for brunch. I told her and after I walked her to her apartment.
Someone cat called her and I saw that she was embarrassed so I went back and confronted the guy but she pulled me away and we walked away holding hands. That's what happen.
I just don't want you to think she doesn't want you.
Dal already told me but thanks for reaching out to me and standing up for her.Do you want to join us for dinner? Chace, Chris and Dani are coming too, it's not like you're going t mo be third wheeling.
Yeah that sound good. What time will it be at?Sebastian:
Around 7Paul:
Alright see you thenSebastian:
See you later

ALL I WANT | Sebastian Stan
Fanfiction"What a cliche to fall in love with your co-star" | dazhiddleston: social media seriously harms your mental health imsebastianstan: She's all I want