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dazhiddleston: alright so long story short, sebastian and i are no longer dating

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dazhiddleston: alright so long story short, sebastian and i are no longer dating... WE'RE ENGAGED!!! also, this is my new favorite photo. love you tons💛💛
tagged; imsebastianstan
983k likes | 892k comments

username: The day has finally arrived!!!

twhiddleston: Wishing you both an eternity of love and happiness together!!

username: omg congrats‼️

username: WAT

imsebastianstan: I'm really happy for us
imsebastianstan: Guys... Tom Hiddleston is going to be my brother in law🤩😫

username: This is major news! Congratulations 🎊

robertdowneyjr: I knew you two are made for each other❣️

paulwesley: Can't wait to get wasted at your wedding with the both of you.

username: Is Paul ok?

paulwesley: I love them together. I'm just trying to be funny username

dcampbell: About damn time
dcampbell: 😍😍😍

username: This is the best news one can hope for

chrishemsworth: You two are a heavenly pair❤️

elsapatakyconfidential: Cupid's aim was just perfect when he got you two together.

anthonymackie: Sea Bass is getting married!!!!

username: I'm obsessed 😍😍


therealjosephmorgan: I'm so happy for you

renner4real: I love this

markruffalo: Just a quick note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations!

dazhiddleston: 🥺🥺 markruffalo

chadwickboseman: Wishing you both the happily ever after you so very much deserve.

brielarson: Wishing you both joy and happiness.

claireholt: Congratulations on your engagement! I am really happy for you.

username: Does this mean I don't have a shot anymore?

natebuzz: May God Bless your love. Congratulations on your engagement.

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