ch. 4

21 4 7

Namjoon P.O.V 


10:02 p.m 

I lock the door to my shop. The night air was still; the only sounds that I are the chirping of the late summer crickets. I start walking to my car, enjoying the warm summer air. 

Until the harsh chirp of my ringing cellphone destroys the mood. 

I peer at the screen and sigh in relief when I realize it isn't my mother. I pick up and immediately wince when a loud yell pierces my ears. 

"JOONIE! WASSUP MAN?" a voice slurs, obviously drunk. There was loud music in the background. 

I sigh. "Taehyung, have you been drinking?"

"Maybeeeeee," he singsongs. 


"Because it's fun." I hear a high-pitched giggle. "Oh, sorry pretty lady. I didn't see you there." I hear more female giggling in the background and a sigh. "Aw, screw off, lady. I'm gay." 

I smirk as I imagine the situation. 

"Joonie, can you pick us up? The club is getting boring and the girls have been too clingy to my Jungkookie." 

My eyes widen. "Jungkook is with you?" 

"Of course. Where I go, Jungkookie goes," he snickers. 

"But he's underage!" I protest. "Did he drink?" 


I groan. "Where are you guys?" 

"Umm, I don't know. Oh! I see a sign! I'll take a picture and send it to you and you can pick us up. See you soon, Joonie!" 

He hangs up and I'm left with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I receive a message from Taehyung and realize he took a picture of a stop sign.

FlowerBoy🌸: Dude, that's a stop sign.

Drunk'n'gay👬: so?

FlowerBoy🌸: smh send me a picture of the club sign you idiot

Drunk'n'gay👬: oh

Drunk'n'gay👬: right

Drunk'n'gay👬: but say sorry first

FlowerBoy🌸: why?

Drunk'n'gay👬: cause im not an idiot

FlowerBoy🌸: then what are you?

Drunk'n'gay👬: a gay idiot

FlowerBoy🌸: sorry man, I forgot

Drunk'n'gay👬: issa ok 

I finally get the correct picture of the club sign after a few minutes. I get into my car and start driving there, a little annoyed that Taehyung ruined my evening. Once I get to the club, I park in front of it and call the little brat. 

"WHO DIS?" Taehyung screams. 

I sigh. "It's Namjoon. I'm in the front of the club. Come out." 

"Oh okay." 

He hangs up and after a few moments, I see Jungkook walk out of the club supporting a drunk Taehyung on his shoulders. I quickly get out of the car to help him. I take Taehyung's other arm and start walking them to my car. 

"How drunk is he?" I ask Jungkook. 

Kookie shakes his head. "Pretty drunk. He kept taking shots even though I told him to slow down and stop." 

"Did you get him to stop?"


"How did you get him to stop?" I ask curiously, propping Taehyung's limp body on the side of the car. "He usually doesn't stop until he gets knocked out." 

Jungkook shrugs. "At first I told him to slow down or I'd break up with him. He slowed down a bit. But to get him to stop, I had to compromise." 


"Yeah. He told me he would stop drinking if I took a shot." Jungkook shrugs. "And I did. I took a shot and he stopped drinking, called you, and took a picture of a stop sign." 

I raise an eyebrow. "Jungkook, how old are you?"

He sighs. "Twenty. Almost there." 

I pat his shoulder. "I guess you're mature enough to take a shot or two. Don't worry, I'm not mad." 

He flashes me a grateful smile. "Thanks, hyung."

Taehyung suddenly moans and scrambles off the side of the car. He gets three feet away from us before he starts throwing up on the sidewalk. Jungkook and I grimace as Taehyung stumbles back and gives us a drunken smile. "Hey Joonie! You showed up!" 

I sigh and open the car door. "Just get in the back seat." 

I watch Jungkook help Taehyung get into the car, buckling him up and giving the drunk boy a small peck on the forehead. Once Jungkook is done, I close the car door and both of us get in the car. 

"So, where to?" I ask Jungkook. 

Jungkook shrugs. "My place, I guess. Taehyung has too much liquor at his place and I don't want him drinking as soon as he's awake." 

I sigh and start the car, pulling out of the curb and onto the road. "This habit of his needs to stop. It's not healthy physically or mentally." 

Jungkook nods in agreement. "I know. But I can't find the trigger of his addiction. I don't know what causes these trips to the bars and to the club. All I know is that I need to be there to take him home once he's completely wasted." 

"Have you asked him why he does this?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the road.

I hear him groan. "Yes. Many, many times. But he'll always change the topic or ignore my question." He sighs. "I don't know how long I can date him if he's like this."

I nod in understanding. "Yeah, it's gonna be pretty hard." I pull up at Jungkook's house and we just sit there for a few moments. 

Finally, Jungkook turns to me. "Thanks for taking us home, hyung." He sighs. "I hope you don't do this too much." 

I laugh. "Me too." 

Jungkook gets out of the car and drags Taehyung out of the backseat and to the front steps of his house. He waves at me and I wave back, watching him open the door and take his wasted boyfriend inside. I sigh and start driving home. 

It must be nice to have a special someone in your life. 

camellia (knj) -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now