chapter 4

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Ashley's pov

I don't know how it began but I do know something for sure. Connor and I were best Friends. It's been close to a year I met him and we have gotten along since then.
We are so inseparable and our parents got along so well too. He was the Prince charming to my Cinderella story.

And our parents really got along well.
They bonded in a very wonderful way and you would even think they've known each other all their lives.
Most times our families had dinner together. Our parents also took turns in taking us places whenever the other had stuff to do.
Connor's birthday was fast approaching.
Well next week. June 26th. It was on a Friday. I wanted to get him the perfect birthday present.

After a series of thoughts, I found the perfect gift. Well not actually found but I had a perfect picture of it in my head then I told my mom and she said it was a really good idea. The only thing left of the plan was to umm put it in action kind of thing.

Well I was planning on giving Connor a picture of us when we had our fairy tale wedding at the backyard. I wanted to have my mom print out the pic and put it in a very beautiful frame. It just feels like yesterday we had the wedding. I wore my favourite pink dress and he wore a suit.
The ceremony took place in our back yard. My stuffed animals and our moms were the people present. There was no extra person to be the priest so Connor took the position of the priest and the groom. The ring was placed beside me on a stool. He would go up and down the altar quickly, once he said the view he quickly came down and said I do and he would go up again. It was so cute watching him do it. After we were true with out vows. I brought our beautiful plastic ring gave him his and wore mine.
When it was time to kiss the bride he gave me a peck on my cheeks. We both turned red. Our mom's just cooed "aww" at the same time,then we took pics and had the wedding brunch which was the best part cookies,came and milk were present. Yummy I wish we would get married every single day. Come to think of It I'm very good at remebering stuff.
The memories are so fresh that I feel like it was yesterday.
Well..... It was yesterday.

Now I really think of it, nobody would want a pic or memory of something that happened the previous day. I'm back to square one still trying to figure out the best gift for Connor.

Think. Think. Think.
Oh I've got it.

"Mom I have another idea".
"What's that sweetie"she replies.
I whisper it into her ear.
"You know it's gonna cost a little bit of money"
"Mom plzzzzzzz"I say with with puppy dog eyes.
"No no it's not gonna work on me again".
"Plzzzzz"I say with my eyes and face looking so cute and pleading.
I just happen to have that effect on people when I want to.

"Not falling for that"
"Oh!common let's go you little ugh next time I won't call for the face".
"Yay! Thanks mom let's get going to the mall".
I'm good at casting spells on my momma with my The face it makes her do what I want.

It was time for the party I was currently at connor's house. Everywhere was filled with kids my age parents. There was a bouncing castle too and clowns (they freak me out a lot ). The atmosphere was so lively and loud.
It was almost time to open presents.
But the cake needed to be cut first. I love cake. Cake cake cake. It makes me go mad. Well anything with sugar makes me go mad especially cake. It's just too cakery.
My mom let me have a lesser amount of cake than I wanted to have.
Right now Connor was opening his presents from everyone.
He read out the names and opened the present.

The party was already over and people had left. It was time for me to show connor his present.
"Connor!" I said.
"Yes Ashley" he replied
"Time for your present" I said
"Okay" he said with a lil smile.
"Close your eyes no peeking" I said

He closed his eyes and I took his hands and we walked towards the bouncing castle, behind it to where his present was.
"Almost there" I said
"Surprise!". I said with a smile when we reached he opened his and gave me a wide smile.
"I love it!", He said giving me a hug.
"Let's give it a go"; he said jumping in excitment.
I got connor a swing. Well double swing, one for him and one for me.
His part was painted blue and mine pink.
As we rode the swing I smiled to myself knowing I had given my best friend the best present.

Author's  note
Hey guys it's been over a year since I updated. I stopped writing for a while. But now I'm back.

First to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them!
Love y'all.

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